Thursday, March 03, 2016

Today Is, I Think, Thursday

Probably give you an idea of how the week has gone. If excitement though  I got to drive for the first time since SHOT yesterday! Sort of feels like when you're a kid and you get that first real (not the wuss "learner's permit!") driver's license and you realize that, yes, I CAN GO ANYWHERE! Or at least to the post office and my FFL. LOL! I can even go to the range and do some rifle work off the bench.

Having lunch this afternoon with Jimmy Graham to talk about the Mass Casualty Event filming later this month. BTW, read the full article in America's First Freedom; Jimmy tells me it's the first of 3 articles.

No politics!


  1. Congrats on the progress!.. You will be three gunning in no time!.. That is, if we are allowed to keep our guns... after reading the blogs for the last couple days (been traveling and an intense work schedule), and all the gun guy discordance, that is NOT sounding like a sure thing.. god help us and the nose we are cutting off to spite our own face... as they say, my way or the highway.. pretty sad.

  2. NJ Larry1:47 PM

    Michael, this has been all over the interweb today. Keanu Reeves 3 gunning. AND may I add doing quite well. Any hope you might swing an interview with him ? Get his 2A thinking ?

  3. Boy I wish...I know his trainer, and i'm going to reach out to him and see if there's a chance.


  4. looking good for cruz in the all important state of maine!.. it was pack jammed at the caucus in Cumberland ME this am... rumor has it YUGE turnout state-wide... but again, will vote for whoever comes out on top in the general against the hildabeast...

  5. _DonWorsham_6:09 PM

    he was quoted in 2008 at as saying:

    “You mean should citizens be able to have a weapon? Yeah, why not? I am not fundamentally against citizens having access to a weapon, but I think that it has complications, the use of it. It’s probably not the wisest thing. Personally I don’t own a weapon.”

  6. NJ Larry6:53 PM

    This evening I came upstairs to the divert my mind from the politics that is making me crazy. Then I see what can only be described as a miracle. The state of West Virginia has instituted CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY. Dear Lord thank you. Thank you so much. I have lived thru such a revolution. A quiet non-violent revolution. Kindof like the Peoples Revolution in the Philippines if you remember that.

    When I was a kid in a slave state, my father told the story of the indignity of coming home from WWII and having to hand over his little pocket Beretta to the NYPD. Being disarmed in his own country, after 4 years of war fighting against Fascism. Not until I was an adult would I even hear of anyone fighting FOR GUN RIGHTS. Oh yes I was an NRA member. Life Member back in 1972. Paid attention to the Cincinnati Revolt. But the very first identifiable name I heard was Marion Hammer. In Florida she was fighting for the right of good people to carry guns if they wished. Hell, that was in the 1980's. I was married with kids. Now so many years later, after the entire nation moved to essentially SHALL ISSUE it now is moving to Constitutional Carry. WV makes the 8th state in just a few short years to restore to Americans their God given right enumerated in the Federal Constitution.

    Tonight I will say a prayer thanking the Lord for letting me live to see this day.

  7. Anonymous3:22 PM

    For too long, the good people of West Virginia voted for the big "D" after the candidate's names in every election, believing that those candidates were fighting for the working man. They were wrong. Along with the other negative economic outcomes such as "The War on Coal", that Liberal policies net, they were also faced with "gun-grabbing" policies. Notice that the West Virginia "House" had to over-ride their Democrat Governor Earl Ray Tomblin's veto of their Constitutional-Carry Bill. Tomblin invoked the "Dedicated Law Enforcment Officer" meme as his defense. Law officers know better. They're doing a fine job, but, they can't be everywhere all of the time.

    Bravo West Virginia!

    Life Member
