Sunday, August 27, 2017

What Could Be More Fun...

..than cleaning your .22 silencer! Still, had to be done. I had to soak it apart with Ballistol, which worked super-deluxe.

The big Colorado state championships for the NSSF Rimfire Challenge is coming up, and my Sweetie and I are shooting it. Are we ready? HA!  My plate runs yesterday constitute the sum total of my match practice. Hopefully I can spin this up just a bit this coming week. I'm planning on using the Zebra Gun™ and my Ruger/Tac-Sol MkIII. The MkIV just isn't ready yet. Since any optic put you in Open Class, I'm running optics on both the rifle and the pistol — Vortex on the Zebra Gun™; Primary Arms on the Tac-Sol. I'll clean them both next week, then run some rounds through them and make sure everything is copacetic.

My friend John Farnam has an excellent article in his Quips, reprinted on Ammoland.Com. It's main point bears repeating here:
I think the nature of, or reason for, a particular threat may be interesting from a political or historical standpoint, but that is all secondary. Personal awareness, and acknowledgment that there may be a significant threat to you personally 
1) At any time2) In any place3) In any form4) From any direction5) Under any circumstances6) For any reason, or7) For no reason at all 
is what is most important, probably the only thing that really is important!


Anonymous said...

The blog came back to life!

It's alive!


Unknown said...

Good luck at the Colorado state match. My father and I shot the Alabama state match last weekend. We shot limited and mechanical just for fun.

Micheal are you planning to come the Rimfire World Match?


john said...

Thank you , I appreciate your thoughts and comments.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

More on the above:

Anonymous said...

And more on the "marshal law" in Branson's Virgin Isles:

Yeah, riiiiiight.....

Anonymous said...

Fortunately, she's on OUR side:

NJ Larry said...

Damn, not a good nite. Just saw author Jerry Pournelle AND veteran character actor Harry Dean Stanton have passed. RIP guys. Seeing a wholesale clearing out of really talented generation. I don't see the iPhone generation taking their place sadly.

Rastus said...

Just FYI.

Everyone should be boycotting the NFL and ESPN.

Your satellite receiver and cable box track what you watch.

Rastus said...

Try this one instead:

or this one:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I've been boycotting the NFL AND Outdoor World AND Target AND Kellogg's, AND Under Armor AND anyone else who needs to just "get the Hell out of America" if they can't stop demonizing half of the population; including ME. I'm sick of being villain-ized for the past 60 years of my grown-up life just because I'm white. It will be all over for pro' sports when the first NFL player "takes a knee".

Let's bring back the phrase from the 60's when the hippies started all of this bullshi_; "America, Love it or leave it!"

Anonymous said...

Even though each blog entry here shows the actual comments posted for them, it would be interesting to see just how many LOYAL, or curious individuals still "click" on the comments link to only read the entries.

Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Man, has it been over a month already since the loyal followers here had their last com' from their leader?

Time flies.......

Rastus said...

And after that late August flurry of two blogs it had been 15-JUL.

Did the Clinton's get to him? George Soros? George Clowney...err, Clooney?

NJ Larry said...

MB just wanted to acknowledge your moving podcast today. Totally understand the briefness, but your emotions coming thru spoke volumes. We all mourn our fallen indeed. See ya when the time is appropriate. Thank you...

Anonymous said...

It's video production season. Busy as a one-armed paper hanger. You can still see/hear Michael on his Downrange Radio podcasts and read some comments on his Facebook page.
Further down the pipeline are the multiple video episodes he produces for The Outdoor Channel. Currently includes The Best Defense and Shooting Gallery series.

Apparently his blog is the first to go silent when he runs short of time :-(


Anonymous said...

This is where Michael is recording video this week:


SAM said...

A bit off topic but I've just looked on Amazon and there are book (kindle) about Stephen Paddock for sale. Some sick people will do anything for money One came (Who is Stephen Paddock? About Las Vegas Shooter and Mandalay Bay Shooting) out on October 2, 2017, the shooting was the night of October 1, 2017. This book must have written before the name was given out.One more came out on October 5 2017 (Stephen Paddock: A Psychopath's Motive). All I did was look for books with the words "Stephen Paddock las Vegas".

Anonymous said...

RE.; Michael's Oct. 3, 2017 Podcast:

Violence IS NOT the price that we pay for a free society. We need to stop saying that! Violence occurs in captive societies as well. A free society is the only place that a common man has the freedom to defend himself to stop violence.

My predecessors in Russia knew that full well after the Bolshevik Revolution.

With all due respect,
Life Member

NJ Larry said...

Life & MB
We sometimes tie things together that shouldn't be. Politics and violence I would say shouldn't be. Violence is the price we pay for being HUMAN. 50 years ago or so I immersed myself in the then new field of socio-biology. E O Wilson, Robert Ardrey, Lionel Tiger, and a dozen others. The conclusion is that we a bloody violent beast. Our ancestors spent a couple of MILLION years on the African veldt killing others and our own kind for a living. All that got hardwired into our brains and DNA. Today, with iPhones, computers and all sorts of tech crap we think somehow we've overcome our primitive nature. Nope. Not even scratched the surface.

I have great respect for playwriters/authors. Some are brilliantly insightful. John Milius for example. But regards this topic, the 1956 scifi movie Forbidden Planet applies. It toys with the concept of a civilization which has achieved unbelievable heights of technology. Yet it is doomed as it could not shed or change its own primitive biology. The movie describes it as the "monster from the id". Those hardwired drives and needs that still were at work in their brains.

We too have to live with who we are. Whether individual or in groups humans are a dangerous lot. The Good Book calls us fallen. I'll go with that. So all I can say is "stay frosty out there".

Anonymous said...

Very well said as usual nj.

Regarding another current topic:

We all need to be sure to write our congress people to strike-down HR3999. Please review the short "YouTube" from "sootch00". "hickok45" also refers to both the slippery-sloped bill and sootch's excellent summary. It won't take any of you out there to see the implications of this bill. Even putting a new recoil spring in you favorite "fill-in-the-blank-here" to replace the worn old one will render both your actions and your gun illegal!

Here's sootch's brief video:

Life Member

Anonymous said...

I might also add that the mass killings committed in the least-free societies, the captive ones, have exceeded all other categories combined. Ref.: "Societies" ruled by Lenin/Trotsky/Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot; et al.

We need to keep our perspectives correctly aligned and avoid the leftists interpretations that we are inculcated with. Violence is the price we pay for captivity and control.

Life Member

Anonymous said...

Hey, here's a big "No-shit, Sherlock" moment:

Under Armour's sales of outdoors clothing have tanked! No kidding? What, even after their CEO dissed all of us as reprobate Trump supporters, just as Hillary did?

Go figure!

Anonymous said...

Man-oh-Man, has it been a month already? NO, it's been TWO MONTHS since the last tidbit!

I hope that all is going well for you Michael. I just hope that you're not going "all-Beck" on us. After Beck left the main stage, it was all down-hill from there. Of course, he also seems to have lost his mind too. I'm not cautioning you of that of course, but I'm not seeing any of your new work on the cable channels that I have, except for maybe a "Gun Stories" episode now and then.


NJ Larry said...

Born and raised in heart aches when I see these attacks...maybe if you are so inclined please say a prayer for my city tonite. But if any place in America has to take these f'ing demons on then let it be here. No place as prepared as Manhattan or as tough. F##k the religion of peace.

Anonymous said...

"No place as prepared as Manhattan or as tough"?

I don't know nj, no CPLs = no real defense.

I watched and heard a witness, a male, seem to enjoy his 15 seconds of fame as he was interviewed right after the murderous event. It seemed that spectating was his defensive tactic. There was no anger in his tone, only submission and surrender.

I'm worried.

Life Member

NJ Larry said...

Life...I agree with ya 100% regards cpl. I moved out of NYC because of the oppressive gun regs there. I so wish it were different. But In return for crapping on the liberty of citizens the powers that be have flooded NYC and especially Manhattan with an army of jocked up cops. Folks not here can see it on the news reports. Half the time you see a gaggle of cops, which is every couple of blocks, they are wearing body armor and carrying ARs. Yes they have the evil "hi cap" mags. The idiot yesterday actually drove past one of the city's elite high schools. Right into cops assigned there. Thats why he done got shot as soon as he exited the rental truck. Within minutes there were snipers up on the rooftops with 308s and 300win mags. The major transportation hubs etc you'll see NY State national guard kids (i see anyone under 40 a kid) who have done a couple tours in the sandbox kitted up and patrolling.

So that is why I said prepared. Manhattan is not the place I knew and explored back in the 1960s as a kid. As a gun aware person, trust me that my survey of Manhattan is that it is an occupied area. With heavily armed "troops". I look forward to the Marathon this Sunday and know it will be protected as well as anywhere in the world. NYC has a cocky attitude which is exemplfied by none other than our President. It doesnt alwaays play well everywhere, but we are a good loving welcoming bunch of folks also. God bless NYC and God bless America.

Anonymous said...

Thanks nj.

I do know that the folks in NYC are good people. My people came through there from Russia, to get to here and they saw it way back then and I still see it now. I do enjoy police protection too, but realize that it still isn't a substitute for being able to defend myself.

Even though there was a police presence there during the "event", I saw the perp' running around for a short time right after he crashed the truck into the kid-filled school bus, without anyone stuffing those "toy" guns up his exhaust pipe. Yeah, he was shot in the end, but for the instant just before that, he was still free to do more harm. Every future perp' knows full-well that most everyone there is defenseless unless a cop is in their back pocket. An so we will see this all play out again and again in gun-free zones.

I'm still worried.

Peace be unto you,

Life Member

Anonymous said...

This is kind of amazing.

MB has abandoned this blog for months, yet loyal readers continue to carry on the comment section anyway. And the comments are pretty good.

I think its time we left Bane behind and started our own blog, or moved over to another one with an engaged moderator...

What say you?

Anonymous said...

I'm still loyal to Bane, but you may have a point there Anon' @ 4:10 AM.

His new Shooting Gallery show featuring the "Red October" AK shoot, was on yesterday and I'm planning on re-viewing it when it re-runs. It was great as expected. Gun stories, another one of his shows featuring the "Kentucky Rifle" was also on this week. So, he's still delivering to us AND FOR US.

I just don't think that he realizes what this simple blog is worth. It seems that he's not paying much attention to it. I hope that his sponsors don't see it as a "phantom asset".

Life Member


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A very common error about which we will be discussing in this article is QuickBooks error 80029c4a, which occurs while launching the software. The below listed can be the error messages as pops-up on the desktop screen, when error 80029c4a occurs:

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QuickBooks Error 12029 is a most common error that occurs when the software fails to access the server. In this post we have discussed about the procedure to fix this error.

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Stumbled upon QuickBooks Payroll Error 15222 and unable to deal with it? Well, this post has contains the solution steps of this error. So keep reading till the end.

amelia smith said...

Facing QuickBooks error 6144 82 ? This Error occurs while opening any company file which is used by any other application. Here we have easy steps to resolve this error permanently.

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QuickBooks is one of the best accounting software available in the market. Designed to cater both medium and small businesses, this software has changed the way accounting, payroll and bookkeeping is done. lost QuickBooks product and license number As its,packed with powerful features, today more and more companies using it. However, it is a software and that’s why often face technical errors. But all these errors can be easily handled as many articles available in the internet.

amelia smith said...

In this article we have provided the easy steps to resolve QuickBooks Error Code 80029c4a - Error Loading Type Library/DLL like a Pro.

Joe Biden said...
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amelia smith said...

Fix QuickBooks Update Error 15241 with our step-by-step guide. Learn the causes, solutions, and prevent future occurrences.

Anonymous said...

QuickBooks Error 15241 is a common error that arises when a user attempts to download or update payroll services. Another possible cause of this error is the disabling of the QuickBooks Desktop File Copy Service (FCS). It can be quite frustrating for users to resolve.

Andrew Walker said...

When your software experiences a slowdown or freezes while updating payroll, it can lead to QuickBooks Error 17337. This issue is typically associated with Internet Explorer or SSL settings that may not be correctly configured for secure websites.

Andrew Walker said...

When attempting to install QuickBooks Desktop or launching it after a fresh installation, QuickBooks error code 1903 can surface. This error is of a technical nature and resembles a runtime error, resulting in disruptions to program initiation and occasional software freezes.

Andrew Walker said...

Encountering QuickBooks Web Connector Error QBWC1085 often points to a problem with the log file QWCLOG.TXT. This error might show up when you open QuickBooks or boot your computer. It's a sign that the WebConnector log file isn't functioning correctly.

Andrew Walker said...

When QuickBooks users find themselves unable to access their company's financial records due to trouble opening the company file, QuickBooks Error 6155QuickBooks Error 6155 could be the culprit. This error commonly arises when the QuickBooks Desktop application software isn't installed correctly or if the installation process is incomplete.

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Andrew Walker said...

When discussing QuickBooks error code 1612, it commonly occurs when attempting to open the software or the QuickBooks company file. Similarly, updating the software to the latest release may trigger QuickBooks error 1612. This error manifests on the screen with a warning message: “Error 1612: The update installer is not accessible.” Such an error can disrupt the software's smooth operation and requires immediate resolution to ensure uninterrupted workflow.

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