...with the usual caveat that this substantially upgraded/modified P220 is not necessarily the "official" SIGARMS entry in the Great Military Sweepstakes, since — despite the predictions of my cheribs and seraphim — the final specs are not yet out (my C&S swear to see a final in a couple of weeks, but you can never tell about fluttering things with wings!).
One thing is for certain — this SIG will be on display at the NRA Meeting and Show end of next week. Of course, so will I, but that's another story. I wouldn't be surprised to see a commercial version announced pretty soon after NRA.
I'll T&E it as soon as I can lay my hands on one...
OK Mikey,
Is that a 10 round factory Sig mag, or is that a magazine that's just partially ejected from the gun? If it's a 10 rounder, that's news we can use.
There's a bunch of Sig 220's that are not getting shot in USPSA Production because of the mag issue, which is a real pity.
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