Okay, this picture is just to whet your appetite...DON'T SEND ME ANYTHING YET!
This is the BRUCE GRAY/SIGARMS GSR Giveaway Gun that could be yours very soon!!!
How good is this gun? The bottom line is that it is every bit the equal of the high-end 1911s in the safe, including my Wilson Master Grade, my C&S Full House Custom and my Richard Heinie "Original."
My spec on the gun included:
• Two-tone Stainless Frame/Nitron Slide
• Bar-Sto fitted match barrel
• Novak adjustable rear sights w/dovetail post front
• Crisp 3-pound trigger
• Blended extended mag-well/checkered flat mainspring housing
• 3 tested Novak mags
• Everything "cleaned up" and fitted
Check out the test target — that Federal ball at 15 yards.
Still to come for the Giveaway Gun are high-end Crimson Trace exotic wood laser grips, a practical/tactical Kydex holster set-up from Chris at Ready Tactical and the SPECTACULAR Kirkpatrick Leather custom one-off "BBQ Rig" completely carved leather holster and belt. Tequila bought the rig to California with him yesterday, and it was just beautiful...Mike Kirkpatrick outdid himself!
Hard to put a value on a package like this, but it has to be approaching $4000. I didn't want to just give away a gun now and then...I wanted the gun to be something I would have built for myself, an heirloom gun.
We'll be announcing details of how you can enter on the SHOOTING GALLERY site, the SIGARMS site and on the show real soon...
Meanwhile, I'm gonna shoot your gun some!
You sure do great gun prOn. Now I have to go for a smoke.
Yeah, but I've got the only gun porn you (or someone) can take home with him or her!
MICHAEL - On second thought I,I mean we, want the gun back. Please send it with the Kirkpatrick leather (Mike will understand). Your RMA# is '4PAUL' and you know the adress. Thanks.
Director of Marketing
Isn't Mr. Gray the guy you called God's own gunsmith? I've read many good things about his work online but haven't handled one of his guns in person. This may be a stupid question by how do you rank him compared to other gunsmiths? Oh, I do want this gun. Please post more pictures with the holsters. Thanks and really enjoy the show.
Beautiful...just beautiful.
If you held my feet to the fire and asked me to name the top 1911 plumbers in the world *working right now*, the list would look something like this:
• Richard Heinie
• Bill Laughridge
• Paul Liebenburg
• Les Baer
• Wayne Novak
• Bruce Gray
After that list comes a huge cluster of world-class pistolsmiths — Ted Yost, the guys at Wilson Combat (if Bill ZHimself was building guns, he'd be on the first list!), Larry Vickers, Mike LaRocca, the guys at Nighthawk Custom, Dave Williams at the Springfield Armory Custom Shop, the Kimber Custom Shop guys, Jim Clark Jr., Don Golembieski at Kodiak Precision, Jim Stroh at Alpha Precision, etc.
Any one of the top tier of gunsmiths could carve a 1911 out of a bar of soap and make it work.
I once asked Bruce to dianose a function problem I was having with a 9mm 1911. He blueprinted the gun and send me back 3 single-spaced pages explaining in meticulous detail what was causing the gun to jam...essentially a combination of five or so extremely minor out-of-spec issues that wouldn't have amounted to anything with a .45, but the finer balance of a 9mm led to "inexplicable" stoppages.
I think you should just save the drama and send the 1911 over to us at the Tattler and we'll give it a good home.
This baby ain't just any pistol. Wow, what a gun. Can't wait to enter to win. Will you be shooting this on an Episode of Shooting Gallery anytime soon? Love to see more of it.
I am ready to sign up. Just tell me where to find the sign-up page. You can prep the pistol for me now because I'm winning it!
A custom 1911 from my favorite tv show? YES!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see the rest of the stuff. Thanks for giving your viewers a chance to win this beauty.
I have shot a few Bruce Gray sigs, usually P series, and his triggers are nothing short of AMAZING....
The credibility of Bruce Gray goes to NOTHING with me: one does not point the muzzle of even a BLUE GUN at anyone, unless...etc. Gray sermonizes on bad habits, repeatedly (even as much as his unceasing, simplistic babbling mantra on "press"). This pointing habit is among the worst ! "The emperor has no clothes."
It is vital that a CLEAR distinction be made between race gun competition on targets and self-defense shooting. The "supra-quick draw, press when the sights align technique" in self-defense would not leave sufficient margin to discern the true nature of the living "target." Shooting the wrong paper won't get one into prison: shooting the wrong person will. Gray should know better than not to make the distinction EMINENTLY clear and should teach accordingly. Not to do so is reckless.
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