My pals at SIGARMS are giving away another piece, this time a SIG 226 Blackwater Edition. Go here to sign up, but do it quick, because the contest ends June 30.
Hurry, Little Grasshopper, and win nice gun!
BTW, not to whet your appetite or anything, but coming later this summer is the first of the SHOOTING GALLERY giveaway guns, a Bruce Gray Custom SIGARMS GSR 1911 (courtesy of our pals at SIG) built to my specifications. It'll include all the natty stuff that I like, such as custom high-end wood CT Laser Grips, both a Kydex "practical" holster and a totally custom one-off Kirkpatrick Leather "barbeque" holster (maybe I've been hanging around the Texas Rangers too much lately...) and some other nice thingies. Yeah, it'll be worth gobs and gobs!
Custom 1911 by Bruce Gray? Pictures! Where are the pictures? When is the contest? How do I enter? Can you fix it so I win? Be a pal. Please.
Oh yeah. I'm all over this and I can't wait for the Bane gun. How cool will that be? Thanks for the heads-up.
HELLO! This was just in Americna Handgunner. What a great looking gun. Just like voting, I am entering early and often.
The Brucie gun is coming as soon as Bruce finishes the gun and Mike K. finishes the custom "barbeque" holster. Oh yeah, the barrel's a Bar-Sto, of course. I figure the package value at pretty close to $4,000, and it will be beautiful...
can your sound guy just have it. please oh please
What if I don't want a SIG 226?
$4K total value? OMG! Me want that gun. I think you should just give it to me and avoid the trouble of going through a contest. Way too much work for a busy TV star like yoruself.
I decided that anybody can give away a gun, but I wanted to give you guys (and guyettes) a shot a a custom gun that I would like to shoot (hell, just like the ones I shoot!).
So you'll get a World-Class 1911...then maybe a nice color case-hardened custom Ruger .44 Special conversion like you're always seeing in the gun mags...one-offs...stuff you can get from the "Brand X" guys!
Oh BTW, I'm working on outlining a CUSTOM .500 S&W Maggie...I imagine that monster will get tossed into the hopper as well somewhere down the line.
Also, the SHOOTING GALLERY Store is about ready for business, where you'll be able to buy TOTALLY COOL Sig-Tac gear with the fetchingly cool SG "DUCK!" logo, not to mention holsters and other accessories PERSONALLY CHOSEN by the folks you see on the shows and read on the sites — in other words, real experts as opposed to the sleazy carpetbaggers who'd peddle their grandmother's honor for a couple of bucks!
gee, makes the "Carnival of Cordite" t-shirt giveaway I was planning pale in comparison...
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