Check out the wee beastie, about which more later in my never-ending crusade to bring you "news you can use!"
Too tired to do too much tonight, though...excellent meetings at The Outdoor Channel today...our handgun hunting show has taken a substantial step toward reality.
I wanted to post this story on yet another Second Amendment victory, courtesy of the NRA and the Second Amendment Foundation:
NEW ORLEANS -- A federal lawsuit accusing the city of illegally confiscating firearms during the chaos that followed Hurricane Katrina was kept alive by a federal judge Wednesday.Bravo, guys! I hope you crucify the whole collection of clowns in the court case. Since I'm on the Left Coast, I was reading the LA Times this morning when I stumbled on a full page ad from Hollywood celebrities demanding we do "whatever is necessary" to stop global terrorism.
U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier denied a motion by the city of New Orleans to dismiss a suit by the National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment Foundation. The gun-rights groups sued Mayor Ray Nagin and New Orleans Police Chief Warren Riley over the confiscation of guns following Hurricane Katrina.
The city asked the judge to dismiss the suit for lack of jurisdiction, saying "the states, and by extension their political subdivisions, are free to proscribe the possession of firearms."
The court rejected the motion, ruling the city did nothing to back up "the brazen assertion" that the second amendment did not apply.
"I'm delighted to see that the second amendment still applies in Louisiana," said Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the NRA.
The list included not only such stand-up guys as Bruce Willis, "Shield" star Michael Chiklis, the incomparable James Woods, Michael Mann, Ridley Scott, Tony Scott and, bless us all, Nicole Kidman.
Of course it was also signed by slimeball Sly "Repeal the Second Amendment" Stallone, no doubt hoping someone will notice his upcoming "Geriatric Rocky" movie — "You need the eye of the tiger, Rocky...and maybe a couple of prunes..."
And speaking of hybrid mutant stinking slimeballs, this critical note from Steven King's home state of Maine — and no, the wee beastie is NOT Sly Stallone:
Residents are wondering if an animal found dead over the weekend may be the mysterious creature that has mauled dogs, frightened residents and been the subject of local legend for half a generation.Given my druthers, I'd rather hang with a hybrid mutant dog rat than Slyvester Stallone; maybe we can capture one and get it to eat Rosie O'Donnell. Naw, there's some things that'll gag even a hybrid mutant dog rat! Plus, all that lard couldn't be good for the little feller...
The animal was found near power lines along Route 4 on Saturday, apparently struck by a car while chasing a cat. The carcass was photographed and inspected by several people who live in the area, but nobody is sure exactly what it is.
Michelle O'Donnell of Turner spotted the animal near her yard about a week before it was killed. She called it a "hybrid mutant of something."
"It was evil, evil looking. And it had a horrible stench I will never forget," she told the Sun Journal of Lewiston. "We locked eyes for a few seconds and then it took off. I've lived in Maine my whole life and I've never seen anything like it."
Maybe the thing is the spawn of Rosie and Sly, concieved during the blue moon. No, not ugly enough.
Chupacabra, perhaps?
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