It's FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY, and if I didn't have to go to Vegas to film the Cowboy Mounted Shooting world championship's tomorrow evening, I'd probably be dancing in the streets. Still, it's only a turn-around, and maybe I can sneak in a decent meal at Emeril's or Bobby Flay's. My Sweetie and I did have an excellent sushi dinner last night, so I'm fortified for the Neon City...
Of course you all know I'm moderately paranoid even on my best day, so you can see why the above product caught my eye...a Blackhawk concealed-carry brieface with enhanced ballistic shield, courtesy of Bulletproof Me. I picked this up off The High Road, BTW, where I steal many of my allegedly original ideas.
I hear some of you moaning already, but think about it...we carry guns because we know that potentially lethal violence can drop out of the sky like Helen Hunt's twister. We also know that many times that violence twister comes attached to a gun. I have been shot at and had guns pointed at me, and I would not class the experiences as a fun way to spend Saturday afternoon. Given my druthers, I'd like to have something between me and the muzzle of the gun that might slow down the bullet somewhat.
Additionally, most intelligent trainers I know spend a lot of time worrying about innocent bystanders/Significant Other types who might be present when conditions head south. I shot some interesting scenarios at Tom Givens' RangeMaster Tactical Conference a couple of years back where you had to address bystanders, a partner, etc. Makes it tough! I need to give it some more thought, but initially I see a positive in being able to hand the Significant Other an armored backpack, then have that person put it on and run like hell with a ballistic panel covering their vitals.
I also see a utility for such things when visiting "100% safe gun-free zones," such as airports...nothing bad every happens in airports, right? I've often wondered "what if" I got trapped in a crowded, limited-exit urban airport — worst case...Las Vegas! — while some homegrown islamofascists started lobbing bullets around; a ballistic panel ain't much, but it's better than a paperback book, an Apple laptop and prayer!
When I get a couple of seconds, I'm going to send a note to Bulletproof Me to talk about more "civilian-oriented" backpacks...
And speaking of paperback books (we sort of were, weren't we?), I just finished reading Robert Ferrigno's PRAYERS FOR THE ASSASSIN...a thoroughly fascinating book set in the near future and the Islamic Republic of America. The book, which in a note on Amazon Ferringno says his agent dubbed "career suicide," features a fascinating main character, Rakkim Epps, a one-time Fedayeen elite warrior now retired and helping Jews, homosexuals, fornicators, etc. escape the the worst excesses of the American Islamic Republic regime into slightly more tolerant Canada.
I've always blown hot and cold on Ferringo — liked FLINCH; ho-hum on HORSE LATITUDES — but I'm really looking forward to the sequel to this one!
It was an entertaining read, but I kept having trouble with suspending disbelief to think a knife would be the most dangerous weapon in society. The gov't says guns are illegal, makes posession a capital crime, and poof! no guns--but cops still have them. But just about everything was a capital crime in Ferigno's world, and there sure was plenty of crime. But no guns.
I agree totally on that point...I think it was the only way he could make the plot work.
Thanks for the kind words. I chose to make the Islamic republic a place where citizens are denied guns for a few reasons. Rakkim's value as an elite warrior is reduced if everyone is armed, much as the introduction of guns into Imperial Japan destroyed the unique role of the samurai. I also think the Second Amendment is the most important one, insuring all the others, and the first thing a tyranny would do is make gun ownership a capital offense. Have no fear though. The followup in progress has Rakkim going back to the Bible Belt, where EVERYONE is armed and dangerous. Fun ensues.
Robert Ferrign
I purchased one of these several years ago without the ballistic shield for concealed carry (I added my own back-panel from a vest for the shield). I have to say, it was one of the crappiest and poorly built and designed "briefcases" I ever owned. The strap-clips are total junk, the internal compartment layout is stupid. I got a free-one (with concealed pouch) that was much better constructed. I even sent an EMail to Blackhawk when the clips broke to which I got no response. Good concept, but this is overpriced Chinese-made crap - buy your own ballistic panel and add it into a decent case. I really hope this product "doesn't" get your "Shooting Gallery Recommended endorsement..."
I'll definitely have to pick up the new book when it comes out.
Good point about Japan. I hadn't thought it through far enough to make the connection.
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