Friday, January 11, 2008

Dial 911...and wait...

From YouTube...powerful...


Anonymous said...

I knew the details of the story before starting the video and my heart was still pounding by the end.

"Give him what he wants" my shiny ass.

Anonymous said...

Victim: "I'm scared"

911 operator: "It's only been two minutes".

I swear my voice wouldn't be ANYWHERE near as calm as hers when there's someone breaking into my house.

Anonymous said...

"Smash and Grab" robbers know this well. They smash, loot and are gone. Unfortunately, some of the more violent assailants know it too, only they're after you!
The leopard-skin "taser" made cable news the other night, right after Michael posted his piece on it. A "mom" that heads up some organization against violence was on vs. the "taser" companies rep'. The "mom" had the audacity to infer that the taser condones violence! Her diatribe only reinforced to me why there was the big "march-of-the-moms" on Washington. They don't want their criminal kids facing defensive weapons. In the least, they don't want teir kids being held accountable for their mis-deeds. Oh yeah, they also want money! They have absolutely no interest in stopping these crimes, or eliminating the root cause. The "perp" in this case had a mom at one point. I'd like to meet her and see what kind of mother raised this monster. Maybe we ought to sue her.

Anonymous said...

My lord that is powerful! I would love to play that for any anti-2nd Amendment person and get the reaction. A great question to be used in presidential debates!

Dave said...

Thank you for promoting my video, Michael.

Anonymous said...

What a horror to listen to.
"It's only been two minutes" --- my ass. The woman retreated behind a SECOND locked door and was still waiting.

This video was also posted on a biking forum that I frequent, so it is getting wide play.