Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Ah, to be Young Again! LOL

From Michelle Malkin, who notes that it's a scary time to be the mom of a young daughter, this link to the New York Post's story on super-skimpy prom dresses:
This prom dress is so skimpy, even the designer's CEO wouldn't let his teenage daughter wear it. But the dangerously revealing gown, prominently advertised in Seventeen Prom, YM Prom and Teen Prom, and on sale in a Midtown shop, is a top seller for the company this season.
Well, what can I say? Popular culture has been sliding off the end of the world for some time now. Of course, I don't have any kids, either. My producer, Robin Berg, has a very young daughter, and he's already sweating bullets.

I am reminded of a couple of summers ago when I had some journalists in town. I was driving them through downtown Boulder right about the time Boulder High School, which is right next door to the University of Colorado.

"Man," said one, a Brit, "coeds never dressed like that when I was in college!" I pointed out to him that coeds still don't dress like that...the coeds were the ones in cut-off sweatpants and hangovers; the women in the blistering short skirts and skimpy tops were the high school students. "Tell me it's Boulder," said the Brit, who has two young daughters of his own. "Good luck, " I said.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    "While it's up to individual school administrators to rule on prom fashions, the Board of Education maintains a disciplinary dress code that prohibits "wearing clothing or other items that are unsafe or disruptive to the educational process."

    Depends on the desired "education"!
