I love this, from the Phat Phree dog blog (via InstaPundit), referencing the poor pooch pix above:
Seriously, Get This Sweater Off Me!Read the whole thing, and be prepared to spew milk out your nose!
I mean it, I feel ridiculous. Get it off.
Lady, just because your boyfriend doesn’t want to settle down, doesn’t mean you should pretend that I’m a real baby in hopes that he’ll play along in your twisted game of “house”. I promise you’re scaring him off, and it makes you look insane. Think about it, you dress me like a Gap employee and tote me around like a damned fashion accessory. It’s disgusting, and you need to get your shit straight. Meantime, you can stop force-feeding me Altoids, you bitch.
"...and I’ve got a half a pound of espresso beans and 3 bran muffins for breakfast to make sure it’s a good one."
This is the way to threaten somebody. This is one of the best posts of the year!
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