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After a day at the range and aboput 450 rounds of hardball, I am tremendously impressed with the Taurus. Read all abut it in DROPPED SHOT!
Monday, July 31, 2006
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When are these going to become available??? I have yet to see one, and I talked to a Taurus rep. a week ago and he did not know!!!
I'm told that the factory in Brazil is full bore on the 1911s, and they are just starting to come into the pipeline...my T&E gun was, as I insisted, a production line version rather than one of the advance guns that come in for gunwriters, photography, etc.
Some areas of the country actually have them on the shelves (briefly), especially in the South.
Believe me, it's worth the wait. If you've ever wanted a custom 1911, this is just about the best platform I've ever seen...
any updates on product consistency? I read the review in, I think it was American Rifleman, that talked about the excessively heavy trigger as opposed to the crisp one you describe.
I'd like some assurance that the Taurus I buy at the local gunshop will be like the one they sent you!
I just got mine today and went off to the range to test fire and evaluate.
I love this pistol!!
I took a long look at it at the range and found the fit and finish to be excellent!! The slide to frame fit is one of the best that I have seen and has a very positive barrel lock to the slide. All controls are well within reach for right hand shooters, and the ambidextroius safety is great for lefties. I found that all the extras that come with the gun are a perfect fit and look stunning. The feed ramp is polished nicely and the slide release/lock works very smoothly.
Down range I spent 5 rounds off hand and was pleasantly surprised to see a 2 inch group at 20 yards. Possible could have been smaller if I were not shaking in joy from just receiving it! I then did some bench rest shooting for accurracy. Only one word!!!! WOW!! I honestly mean that!! I was shooting consistant 1 (thats one) inch groups!!!! With 3 shots usually being in one hole. Now I am no expert, but I am sold on this gun!! I was shooting 230 grain lawman bullets, and was stunned by the almost lack of recoil!
More tests are forthcoming but for the moment I would have to strongly suggest that anyone who is in the market for a 1911 pistol,, they should either get one of these or at minimum give it serious thought. I plan on getting one or two more of these jems,,, when they release them in 40 S&W and stainless. Just may be my new IPSC production class weapon of choice!
Just my 2 cents,,,, but give it a try!!!
Just bought a PT1911. Read the reviews and have been wanting to see one. Shooting Times and NRA's Wiley Clapp raved about it, so I have been waiting for some time.
I picked one up as soon as I found one I could handle here in Anchorage.
Took it to the range and ran 250 rounds through it. All types of ammo, but it liked the American Eagle 230FMJ best. After the first hundred rounds and some off-hand playing, the AE box printed within one inch from a sand bag rest at 21 feet!
I love almost everything about this pistol. The trigger pull broke cleanly at 5.25 pounds. My only complaint is that the sights are not adjustible for elevation.
Would love to be able to zero it in, but if I shoot an inch high, I print an inch low.
What a great pistol. I can't wait to get my hands on a smaller version for concealed carry. I carry this one now, but it is kind of a hogleg. Looking for Taurus to get off their butts and get me a CC product.
just picked up my PT1911 on 22 feb '07, to sum up how i feel..it is far and away the best pistol out of the box i've purchased. groups consistently, feeds, fires and ejects perfectly. what a great gun for the money. fyi..my trigger is at a hair over 4lbs
just picked up my PT1911, to sum up how i feel, it is far and away the best "out of the box" performer i have had. groups consistently, feeds, fires and ejects perfectly. sights took a few shots to get used to, but i like them. got mine with crimson trace grips as well which i also like. fyi..my trigger is at a hair over 4 lbs.
I bought my pt1911 in september for $450, same store now has them going for $530. i love this gun, it shoots great and feeds everything i put in it. on the scale my trigger tripped at 4.3 lbs
I just got my PT 1911 and have two problems right away 1. Could not close the slide from lock by pulling back on it and releasing... this problem was easily fixed by slightly rounding the outside edge of the slide notch. 2. More troublsome is the lefthand safety. I am left handed and after firing about 2 magazines the left and right hand slide lock levers started coming away from the frame - so much so that the left hand savety failed to work at all. I tried squeezing the two sides back together but that only lasted a couple more magazines before again coming apart. I have just tried squeezing the two sides of the left hand safety pin together to narrow the slot and used a center punch to fit it to the blade on the other side ... have not had a chance to shoot the gun since this last fix.. anyone had similar problems. I like the way the gun shoots and I just used it in a 3-gun match in which I shot more accurately than I was able to with my previous gun.
I had a 1943 colt 1911 in 98% condition that I recently sold (for a ton of money) so that I could buy more guns. I got a Taurs PT1911. Great value, lots of features but not the finish I was expecting. The gun looks great but just is not really well finished. I intend to clean it up with a bit of polich and a Dremel.
Now the not so good; it has the thinest finish I have ever seen on a firearm...that is the bluing or whatever it is wore off of numerous places with only a few presentations from the holster. I am using a Serpa BlackHawk level II retention hholster and it did nothing to my other 1911 so this is simply not a durable finish. The safety where my arm touches the gun while holstered rusted in about 3 days as the light contact from my arm completly wore off any coating there.
The second item is that it shoots low, about 3" at 7 yards. I have used straigh-8 sights before with no problem. The front sight is a unique enough dovetail that there are few aftermarket sights available.
I plan to have the slide milled to accept a more common sight mount and refinish the gun with Duracoat to better protect it. Given the cost of the gun and the features, I can get the slide milled, buy some better sights (really hate the Heinies) and get the gun finished with Duracoat for less than most any other 1911. So I guess I like it.
I ran across a PT1911 at a gunshow in Dec and showed it to my buddy who is a 1911 nut --he loved it -I loved it and don't forget fellas before YOU start to modify that Taurus has a lifetime warrenty -don't like the finish --send it back -need parts - call them I needed the recoil springs and guides for my PT111 one phone call less than a week I had the parts -NO CHARGE--not even shipping
I purchased a PT1911 last year and went to the range. Using factory rounds it seemed to work fine. I bought this gun for Action Pistol and was glad until the first match. I had a malfunction on my last stage. As I was reloading a mag the empty dropped like it was supposed to. However, when I was putting the new mag in it became stuck about half in and half out. Very disappointing. it was stuck so severely that I had to have help to remove it and had to withdraw from the competition. I was so angry because I am not very Affluent and can't afford the expensive guns all the guys shoot. I bought into all the hoopla about this gun. I returned to the store where I bought it and told them what had happened and they didn't have another so I dug up another $50 and they let me trade for a Beretta 92FS police model. I am going to try another PT1911 because after thinking about it, it was most likely a fluke. I do like my Beretta though. P.S. Michael, Great Show.
I Bought my pt 1911 a few months ago nd i have to say i am very dissapointed i have expierinced every problem that has happened to all the people that have posted and more. firstly let me say i DO NOT abuse my firearms they are cleaned regularly and short of rapid fire mag change drills thats the most abusive thing i do. but with less than 1000 rounds of winchester and cci 230 ball rounds the safety detent will depart the gun in less than 4 mags with out constant attention the slide no longer locks open the finish has worn off on all contact points one of the allen head screws for the grip pannel has striped. but worst of all the slide is lose enough to RATTLE!!! i also had a problem with there service department being that it has been 3 months since i called and asked them to send a replacement safety detent and spring and they were actually going to bill me for it(thankfully i went back to the range and somehow found the pieces). so i'm going to give them one more chance to give me the pistol that i thought i bought.
I am a 1911 fan and had numerous models from vintage 1911 (four digits)to the latest colt series 80. I accidentally came into this new Taurus PT1911 stainless and fell in love with it (love at first sight).. touched it, racked the slide (without the mag of course) pointed it to a safe direction, squeezed the trigger and the rest is history. It now rides in my hips on a Bianchi inside-pants holster as my carry firearm. Impressive accuracy at 1.5 inches at 15 yards off hand, same at 25 yards bench rest using factory Blazers.. All other 45 collections i have are now serving their terms as wall decors..... More Power TAURUS, wherever you are.. . id like to see tactical frames sold separately... Hey Michael.. can you forward this to this great company... thanks
I bought my PT-1911 probably 5 months ago. I haven't been to the range THAT much but have put about 6 or 700 rounds through it. I haven't had any major issues. People have to remember that this is a $500 gun! 1911 can cost up to $2000. If you buy this expecting Mercedes quality then you are just an idiot. You get bang for the buck not premium quality. That being said I LOVE my Taurus. I haven't had any problems with it. I have shot many other calibers, makes and models. This gun shoots as good as just about any of them. It feels great in my hands, recoils nicely and the trigger has a great feel. I've taken it apart many times to clean and oil it and it all fits together nicely.
For the haters that don't like this gun....next time spend more than $500!!!! What do you want? The raves completley outnumber the rants for this gun. If you are having a problem with this gun you are either expecting to much, got a lemon (that happens with EVERY make) or are just new to handguns and are learning how the gun works.
i also just bought the pt1911. it came with 2 sets of grips,(one wood, one plastic.)2 mags,2 lock keys and bore brush. im only 23yrs old but have owned and shot many firearms in my life. this 45 is one of the finest pistols i own. now i havnt had it too long, so time will tell if any of the problems i hear about arise. but so far so good. i love it. by far the cheapest 1911 frame 45 ive ever seen in my town.(northern panhandle, west virginia.)so i bought it. around 500 bucks brand new, went strait to our farm and was takin out pop cans at 15 yds or so. the only people that dont like it are the people that own $1,000 and up 1911's. its the most expensive handgun i own. where i come from , most of us dont have and extra one to three thousand for a pistol. so we get what we can get and have just as mush if not more fun than people that have top of the line stuff. just my opinion.
I use my PT1911 AR for IDPA and I love it...I have at least 3000 rounds through it with no issues. My Kimber didn't come out of the box with all of the extras, like adj. trigger and straight 8s, and I paid $500 more for it...I shoot just as well with my Taurus, so what does that say?
I did have a problem with some of my hand loads, using wadcutters, but I may have seated the bullets too deep so I don't blame the gun. After the issue I just went back to using ball ammo so I'm not sure. Never any issues with ball ammo
P.S. to the person who posted that the gun shoots 3" low at 7 yards...I don't think that's the gun...3" is a lot to be off even at 25 yards.
The dude is absolutely right, and there is no question.
Destined to become the standard that all 1911 pistols are compared against, the Taurus 1911 offers you the most accurate and feature-laden model on the market today.
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