Don't worry, my DOWN RANGE Radio podcast will appear as usual on Wednesday! BTW, do you guys like the carefully picked music opening we've been doing the last few weeks?
My sources are confirming BIG TIME that the starting gun has gone off, so to speak, and the AR-15 race is off and running. ARs and 5.56/.223 ammo are blowing out the doors; orders are huge. To put my money where my mouth is, I ordered 10 more Brownell's 30-rounders and placed an order with Spike's Tactical for 2 lowers — 1 rifle and 1 pistol lower. One of them will end up a short-barreled SBR.
BTW, I am hearing on and off the reord that urban law enforcement is gearing up for some ugly nights if The Blessed One manages not to get elected and his stalwart, upright supporters take to the streets. Be aware!

Finally, a gun note from David Petzal...Marlin is rolling out a Guide Gun lever action a la Jim West at Wild West Guns:
What grabbed me, though was the Marlin Model 1895SBL. The company has taken note of all the hot-rodded Guide Guns out there and decided to build one of their own. It’s .45/70, all stainless steel, laminated stock, heavy 18.5-inch barrel, an enlarged loop lever, a 5-shot half-magazine, and instead of the usual horrible factory sights, it’s been fitted with the XS Ghost Ring sight system. This consists of a big white post up front and a huge, adjustable-aperture rear. You look through it and the aperture seems to vanish. It’s very fast to use. There is a long rail mount that let you use long-eye-relief scopes or standard scopes.I'll be getting one of these myself, and so will you after you see the SHOOTING GALLERY episode on the "Tactical Lever Action." I saw the rough-cut on it yesterday (along with several other SGs for the 2009 season), and I was blown away. We're raising the bar again! And wait until you see THE BEST DEFENSE — nothing like it, ever! The daily rushes are spectacular.
Ph, one more note to Brother's okay to be obsessed with Elisha Cuthbert...I mean, she's no Sarah Michelle Geller, but, then again, she's never married Freddie Prinze Jr.!
MB said,"BTW, do you guys like the carefully picked music opening we've been doing the last few weeks"?
Yes please, keep it up.
Nice! You know, I just built up a blued 22" Marlin 1895 in the same configuration, minus the big loop lever. I like the extra barrel length for the velocity benefits. The long rail is very flexible - you can mount a standard configuration, high power scope for load development purposes, and pop it off and mount a Scout type scope up front (I have a Leupold). QD rings are the greatest invention ever.
Pop the glass off when you're in really bad weather or dense brush and you're golden.
The music....great. The Pitbull Daycare was kewl.
Good to know the podcast will roll on....really good. It's my preferred "gun talk". My 16 year old says when he gets a car that's what he's going to listen to. I've infected a few downloaded about 40 of podcasts the other day.
Do you have marketing surveys???????lots of engineers, managers and other professionals seem to be paying attention. Might get you an extra nickel or so in ad revenue.
The music is interesting, have difficulty sometimes making the connection. Witht he pitbulls maybe it was just I couldn't hear the woeds, but the tune came back.
"BTW, I am hearing on and off the reord that urban law enforcement is gearing up for some ugly nights if The Blessed One manages not to get elected and his stalwart, upright supporters take to the streets. Be aware!"
No, "Be armed!"
The new music? I love it! It has made me look up Pitbull Daycare and now, Webb Wilder.
I do miss the posh Brit voice talking about the hidden bunker. Those posh Brit voices can be very sexy.
jpr9954...I think your are on to something. Sex, drugs and rock & roll...the new paradign.
MB what about the election? I thought you would be more active what with this "Sportsmen for McCain" organization? I haven't seen the PSA you recorded once on OC. Waz up?
The rioting in South Chicago will be like this: If O wins, they'll riot and burn cars, but if O loses, they'll riot and burn cars. Kind of like the Bulls winning or losing the championship, it's just an excuse to riot and burn cars.
Personally, I think "The Devil's Right Hand" ought to be the show's theme song.... :D
Keep up the good work, Michael...
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