Thursday, November 10, 2011

Presented Without Comment

-- Post From The Road


Gunmart said...

Love it!

Mark said...

Now that's FUNNY.

eeyore said...


(Michael, your shirt's a little too clean for this)

Anonymous said...

I'll be right there to join you! Power to the people and all that. Should I bring my tent?

Keads said...

Thats great!

kmitch200 said...

Oh sure, now you tell me.
I could have saved the shipping on my last order!

Nick the Okie said...

Nice one MB!!

Now if I could only demand one of those new Para LTC's to #Occupymyholster then life would be grand!

hared said...

I was in the audience today at Midway taping. You're the best, Michael. Really enjoyed it.

Jeremy H. said...

Michael thank you for coming to columbia, the experience to be in the audience was just amazing. your stories were just a blessing. Thank you once again.

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