..frantically trying to get everything up to speed for the trip to Orlando.
Basically, I snuck out yesterday to help work on the pilot for a new series, SWAT MAGAZINE TV, which will hopefully make it to OC in Q1 2010. THE BEST DEFENSE (TBD) co-host Rob Pincus will be doing the heavy lifting. I have minimal Executive Producer involvement, but I definitely want to get the show off on the right foot.
BTW, Rob's nifty TRAINING LOGBOOK (pictured above), a hardback way to keep tabs on your own training and featuring essays on training from Rob, Mike Janich, Tony Blauer, Clint Smith, Dave Spaulding, Tiger McGee, Marty and Gila Hayes, John Farnam, Tom Givens, Wes Doss, Andy Stanford, James Yeager and Yours Truly. We'll have the LOGBOOK available on DRTV after SHOT.
I have to spend all day today working on the outlines for the TBD: SURVIVAL! series you'll be seeing in July. Turns out being a TV Magnet (as in "Refrigerator Magnet") is a lot of work.
Keep up the great work MB!!! Maybe you should start your own cable channel. YOu already have teh name and a hell of a viewer base (DRTV as ch 38?)
Just finished watching the new Best Defense and Shooting Gallery shows. Nice productions, excellent handling of the material on Best Defense, and the Wild Bunch episode was sheer fun.
Dunno what happened with the Best Defense sound/picture coordination, though. Perhaps you've addressed this elsewhere, but it was waaaaaaaaay off, by several seconds. At first I thought I was watching one of those old foreign language movies with English voiceover -- you know, where the lips say, real fast, "mama mia, that'sa some-a spicy meata ballsa" and the voice says, "Hello."
Glad someone else noticed the sound problem. I didn't know if it was my box or DISH netwok (or a plot by Outdoor Channel).
Haven't made up my mind about Best Defense. Just have to wait and see if the quality holds up and the delivery gets a little less strident.
You (and your sponsors) will be happy to know that my TV is stuck on #153 every Wednesday evening.
watching that last episode of the best defense was like watching an episode of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. I was expecting Robin Leach to come busting through the door instead.
Jeeesshhh... (rolls eyes)
If you're a bad guy in a neighborhood like that, well... how did you get through the one security gate and the rent-a-cop in the first place?
I guess it would have been taboo to put a $1.50 peep hole in a ten thousand dollar set of front doors.
(rolls eyes)
"I guess it would have been taboo to put a $1.50 peep hole in a ten thousand dollar set of front doors."
Good point. That bothered me, as well. While I do think the show is aimed at (sorry) mid-to-upscale viewers -- we want to recruit the soccer moms, remember -- advice on installing a peephole would have been helpful.
(BTW, while it says we can use some HTML tags, I can't get the italics to work. Should I be doing something in addition to the [i]...[/i]?
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