Tuesday, June 28, 2011

First episode of Gun Stories

This week on MidwayUSA's Gun Stories, we're taking a look back at the rich history of John Browning's model 1911. Air Times: 06-29 at 2:00PM | 06-29 at 7:30PM | 06-29 at 10:30PM | 06-30 at 1:30AM | 07-03 at 6:00AM.


gunman42782 said...

Well, I already heard something wrong on the commercial. "Jim" Browning! Never heard of him. Now, old John Browning is another story!

Anonymous said...

What's the saying? All hat and no cattle. Its about money not guns. Jim, John, whatever...These are just infomercials guys, don't sweat the little stuff.

CharlesinAtl said...

This seems to address issues you have raised before about rerouting Pittman-Robinson funds. You are also mentioned in this post FYI.


Any thoughts on this particular bill?

Michael Bane said...

Charlies...LOL!...such a story I could tell you about how that bill came to be! But I won't. Suffice to say the birthing was a bit difficult, but the bill has my unconditional support!

RE: The trailer (now fixed), I am haunted by Michael's Universal Law of Delegation: 50% of everything I do is crap; 100% of everything I DON'T do is crap. Sigh...


Rick said...


Any chance the new show will be available for streaming anywhere? I don't get cable or satellite, so I usually get shows from Netflix or iTunes. Otherwise, I will have to wait until Gun Stories comes out on DVD. (sigh)


kmitch200 said...

Re: S.1249 Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act,
facilitate the construction and expansion of public target ranges, including ranges on federal land managed by the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management

I would like the BLM to quit closing existing informal shooting areas in the name of "multiple use".
Multiple use means anything you like to do except shoot! They bitch about the dumping on public land and because the dumped stuff has bullet holes in it, NO MORE SHOOTING! How about stop the dumping and leave the shooters alone.

Gus said...

15 min in to the first airing - Fraking AWESOME!

The video work, slow motion, lighting, Joe, guests ..... all exactly what we gun nuts wanted!

Bravo MB and supporting members! BRAVO!

(My only quip - MB please keep the Names of your speakers up a little longer for us with old eyes and non High Def televisions)
I know some of them by sight (Larry Potterfield) some not so much.

Well done everyone!

Anonymous said...


You have really outdone yourself. About half way through, I was struck by the production values. At/beyond History Channel qualities. Congratulations!

nj_larry said...

Well I guess someone has to tell the truth. Was not impressed MB. Sorry. First thing that I noticed was the hokey music thruout. For a music guy like you I would have expected better. It was some sort of Star Wars/Red Army Ensemble mix right? It was under everything. Geeze. There was also about 5 minutes of worthy info in the show. I mean really, 5 minutes at best. A clip of Uncle Ted saying that his daddy used one in WWII. Ok. No context at all, just that and bing on to the next soundbite. Nothing technical at all. I don't get that. You had like, what, nine people talk about the Philipines? Ok we get it. Nothing even about the classic grip angle. Nothing about production. Nothing about worldwide acceptance. Nothing about modern variants. You had one guy saying that JMB didn't use blueprints. That he whittled it out of wood. Yikes. Oh man. Poor Joe M. no wonder he wants to do this forever. He said like 50 words and gets paid. Nice gig, but it ain't doing nothing for his career.

As I was watching they played a commercial for Sunsetter Awnings. I got more out of that than the show. The production was flawless. It had a narrative line. It conveyed all the relevant info. It focused on what needed to be focused on. It had a demo..Check it out, you will be impressed..I would seriously consider using the team that did that work on the next shows. Not too late to get back into the editing room. I'm depressed and disappointed now. I expected better. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings.

Anonymous said...

Great show! I thought it was a perfect mix of facts and personal insights. All the film looked really cool and I liked the saving private ryan music. I think NJ Larry is dead wrong. Its a show to be proud of. But I guess haters are going to hate. The title part blew me away and was glad to see it again at the end. Cheers!!! don't let NJ guy get ya down, he is dead wrong!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow, this show was so much more than I expected. Finally a network has decided to fill the void that History Channel and Discovery abandoned with crappy reality shows.

NJ-Larry obviously has a problem with Michael or the Outdoor Channel in general. Nobody spend that much time writing a comparison between a documentary and an infomercial unless it's personal.

Bravo gents, this show was the best looking show I've ever seen on the network. More like an HBO show than an expanded cable show. I can't wait to see more.

Anonymous said...

Loved the show and the production quality. It's something I can watch with my wife in the room. I'm using it as propoganda to justify my purchase of of the Ruger SR1911 before year's end. Thanks for all that you do for the gun community.

Anonymous said...

Just watched it on DVR Wolfbane.... I'm impressed. Much higher production values than you usually see in a "gun show". Good balance of facts, stories, narration.

Some people just gotta hate...but at the same time you have to question anyones opinion on anything related to firearms that's from NJ....ah well.

Looking forward to the futire of this show.

Anonymous said...

Just clicked back in to read the comments. I was Anon (12:21).Since NJ_larry's comments were next, I thought maybe NJ got a different cut of the show. MB, again. The show was awesome. Keep it up and don't let the naysayers get you down!

nj_larry said...

Hey I have zero problemo with MB. Zero. I have noted in the past that he is without a doubt at the top of what is out there in the gun/TV community. But I also think I can give an honest opinion here. If ya want groveling and fan adoration go head over to the Celine Dion website.

I didn't particularly like this production. That's all. I gave specifics why. Sorry if that offends people. LOL. What I was expecting was MB and JM in a show with more drawing out of the excellent guests. Like when you interviewed Jeff Cooper (which was a 12 on a scale of 10). I mean that is what "gun stories" means, right? Several of your guests could have been a full show. What you did get from them was minimal. Kindof chopped up soundbites. That was a shame.

Just as an aside I really liked your new season of TBD/Survival ! You spent more time with the dentist than you did Bill Laughridge or Bill Atwater.

As for the crack about NJ, just remember you wouldn't have any toxic chemicals to use if it weren't for NJ :)

Michael Bane said...

Hey! Everybody gets an opinion here! Building a show from scratch is a weird experience, especially a big-dollar, big-risk show like GUN STORIES. Sort of a joke, but I do get to bet my career (such as it is).

I always plan for a show to evolve...I've been taking notes on Season 2, and, yes, Joe M. will play a much bigger role. It's always scary going to Hollywood, but Joe proved to be so much more than Tim Cremin and I imagined. Also, we move from broader to narrow...for example, next season expect to see another 1911 show, 1950-present, the rise of practical shooting. I needed the ground underneath me before I moved forward,

Secondly, Tim and I wanted a show that would appeal not only to us, but to the flood of new Ver. 2.0 shooters, who don't have our background in the sports and the hardware.

The initial response is that we've won big here. I believe this is just the beginning for the series. I'm looking forward to taking SHOOTING GALLERY to an hour.

And maybe even a hunting show, because it's long past time somebody totally demolished the "whispering" paradigm.

Thank you all...you too, Larry!


gunman42782 said...

I thought it was a pretty decent show Mike. Loved the slow-mo camera work.

Chris said...

Great show. I really liked it. It gave a good mix of history and insight. Joe was and excellent choice to be the host.

A little criticism if I may. I think you could have spent a little more time on the M9. It came off looking very bad as a firearm when I think you were trying to concentrate on the fact that the round is less powerful. It came off like we HAD this great sidearm in the 1911 and now we have THIS one thats not as good.

Lawrence said...

it was a very well done, very entertaining, informative show, with tons of my olde favorite gunwriters. Like a stroll down memory lane.

Lawrence said...

Id also like to see you do a show dedicated to col cooper. people who knew him and even maybe people who were saved by what they learned from gunsite.

SteveP said...

What else can I say but a great show. Its not only entertaining but educational. I would like to see more detail or the personal side of some of the comments, such as how your father or you used the weapon in the past and some of the memories about it.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see a show about my Uncle. (His name is Steve "Buckshot" McClanahan) who served in two wars. (WW2 and Korea). A story like that would make this series really good.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic. Looks great. The production was the best I have seen on a gun show. I do agree that the names of the interviewees needed to be on longer and a little larger. Looking forward to nest week. And a double on an entire epiasode on Col. Cooper.

Anonymous said...

Excellent show. Great production values and I liked the music.Well done.

Eric said...

Is there a blooper reel where Joe narrates in his "Fat Tony" voice?

Great debut, looking forward to more!

And where is Walt Rauch hiding???

how to have baby said...

Very nice article! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Anonymous said...

What channel is it on my T.V.

Anonymous said...

Great show! As others have noted, the production values blow away what most of us are used to in "gun shows". The slow mo was amazing.I liked the mix of personal reflections and historical information. However, I did roll my eyes at the "If you hit a guy in the pinky it will spin him around three times...." comment.

Great job MB! I can't wait till the next episode.

Anonymous said...

Is Joe Mantegna a shooter?

Hans said...

I looked forward to this show and it hasn't failed me. As Mr. Bane acknowledged it needs a little tweaking like anything new. As for JM as host works for me too.
For some the glass is half empty and not half full.

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