Wednesday, July 06, 2011

My Casey Anthony Exclusive!

Sources say Casey Anthony, following her not guilty verdicts, will be joining the cast of TWO AND A HALF MEN, replacing the controversial Charlie Sheen. The show will accordingly change its name to ONE AND A HALF MEN AND ONE LYING TROLLOP. In the first episode, "Where's Berta?," the show's beloved housekeeper, Berta, goes missing, and hijinks ensue!


DamDoc said...

yep.. before this, i thought obo didnt have a chance in 2012... now, not so sure.

Anonymous said...

cheap shot, but still, lolz!

Lee said...

Simpsons already did it! jk

kmitch200 said...

You're a sick man Michael...and I like it! :)

Anonymous said...

Personally I would be asking Fat Tony who did it.

Joe Ballman said...

Tragically funny, michael.

SMP said...

How about asking Fat Tony to provide justice

nj_larry said...

While the Anthony trial is a diversion, there are more important stories. Fast & Furious is taking on a whole new look. David Codrea broke this story and his update this morning stunned me. This thing is going in all directions. I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see jail time for some of these sworn Federal officers. Either here or in Mexico.

Leather Jacket said...

Very interesting i waiting next episode...

William Turner

Rob Drummond said...

I didn't follow the Casey Anthony story but could I miss hearing that she got off, just like OJ. I was shocked by OJ getting off I wasn't surprised that this B*t*H got off. Guess that's how things have changed over the years in the liberal country we now live in. Kids don't matter lies do.

I live on a sheep farm when I have a sick or dying sheep I put it out cleanly & quickly with a shot to the head. Frankly this C.A. doesn't rate a clean out. I think C.A should have a wrap or two of duct tape aroung her mouth, hands tied, with a slight dose of cloroform (not enough to put her out) and then thrown in a bog with the last words she hears from the guy who throws her in; "was it something like this!"

But no, she will walk on Weds, write her book go on TV, make a few million and there will be a big deal when she finally gets married & has another kid.....TBC with disgust.
Rob Drummond
Hillsboro, NH

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