I believe it is destined to become the Bedside Blaster of Choice, the ideal handy device to allow one to reach one's battle rifle in the closet. Brother Hans Vang swears he can do a full Vang Comp job on the barrel, although I wonder if this is a vicious case of overkill. Hans tells me a bunch of Federales have his system on their witness protection guns to tighten up the patterns. Are we looking at the future of sporting clays?
Full video report coming up soon, and I'm going to get this monster on the next season of SHOOTING GALLERY, too.
Meanwhile, our aforementioned friend, Larry Correia, has a great post over on his Monster Hunter Nation site on why "one-shot stop" stats are a load of rhino hooey:
...since gun fights by their nature are fluid, dynamic, and always suck, we can also assume that they’re going to be different. To illustrate:Larry has a way with words, doesn't he? Still, you'd be amazed at the number of questions I get about teeny tiny "stopping power" differences. My response is always the same...shot placement...then shoot the bad person/s until he/she/it/them stop doing whatever it was that made you shoot in the first place.
Shooting 1: Subject is 105 pounds, soaking wet. Pacifist. Faints at the sight of his own blood. His book club calls him “Todd.” Has never been in a violent encounter in his entire life. Plays Barbara Streisand records to get “charged up”. Gets shot in the abdomen with a Brand X .32. Bullet lodges in the belly button. Barely breaks skin. Subject faints because of loud noise. .32 Brand X = 100% stopper.
Shooting 2: Subject is 310 pounds of prison hardened muscle. Has a spider web tattooed over his whole face, and his friends call him “Death Train”. Subject 2 is high on coke, crack, meth, elephant tranquilizers, No-Doze, and Cherry Pepsi. While robbing a bank during a tri-state killing spree, Subject 2 engages in a running gun fight with police and is shot through the lung with a Brand Y .45. Subject 2 then carjacks a busload of handicapped nuns to escape. Later has friend who flunked out of Vet School remove the bullet with a pair of barbeque tongs. Subject 2 then goes to 50 Cent concert. Brand Y .45 = 0% stopper.
So from this illustration, you are far better off carrying the Brand X .32 than the Brand Y .45.
And while we're on the stopping power debate, here are photos and video of Dave Barry blowing up a low-flow toilet. I', afraid I came about a day late to this party, but as a guy I appreciate any exploding bathroom fixtures.

I also note that David Petzal over on the Gun Nut blog is starting to sound every bit as weird as the rest of us. He was recently musing about a series of Haillary Clinton shooting schools in case her present gig doesn't work out:
The trick to creating a successful franchise is to come up with something unique, and I have been contracted to provide ideas that would set these schools apart. Here are my ideas:Hey, I'm signing up! If you win the student shoot-off, do you get Chelsea?
*All attendees will be flown in by C-47, which will make a corkscrew landing at the school airport.
*To create a realistic environment, recordings of imaginary sniper fire will be played at all times.
*All attendees will wear pantsuits.
*All attendees will run (or waddle, as the case may be) between classes to avoid imaginary sniper fire.
*When not actually engaged in classes, attendees will play pinochle.
*Attendees who are selected to shoot first in any class are entitled to whine about it.
*Female attendees whose husbands exhibit signs of incipient mental illness are entitled to a 20 percent discount.