Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Chase Bank HATES Their Customers!

At least, they apparently hate me...

This is the kind of thing that absolutely sends me screaming!

I have been trying to close my personal checking account at CHASE BANK in downtown Boulder since late December. In fact, I was assured by Chase Bank Dispute Resolution that my bank account was closed by January 7.

What follows is a cautionary tale for the Electronic Age.

First, Chase tells me that I CAN'T close my checking account, because there are some Internet debit accounts. I say that the accounts, a credit card billin system I used before PayPal and a Yahoo Groups account have been notified that they can no longer ding my account. Chase Bank says TOUGH NOOGIES, I have to pay until I rot in hell and that's the way life is. I suggest that my attorney does not believe that there are any state and federal laws that require me to keep my checking account open.

WHOOPS, says the Chase Weasel, you need to talk to Dispute Resolution.

May I have your name, I ask?

No, the Weasel says, but you can be transfered to Dispute Resolution. That's TRIP ONE to my new pals at DR, who apologized profusely, said the Chase Weasel had "misspoke" and that ti was "not the policy of Chase to lie to our customers." She promised to close my account, refund the service fees and charges and, in general, make it all well.

Fast forward to the end of January, when Chase starts calling me about 5-8 times a day, from 7:30AM to 8:30 PM. I call Chase, who tells me — surprise! — my account not only is not closed, but it accruing penalties and service fees like crazy. I ask for a human being's name and start to expain and — surprise surprise!! — no name but an instant transfer to Dispute Resolution.

On TRIP TWO to DR, they once again apologize profusely for the "ignorance" of the people calling me; promise to refund all service fees, penalties, etc.; promise to close my account once and for all and fax me "within the hour" a statement for me to notarize that no one is authorized to debit my alledgedly now-closed account.

What about the Chase weasels calling me six and seven times a day? "There's nothng we can do about that," DR tells me. "Tell them you're talkig to DR and give them a claim number and they may stop." Tell them to stop, I say. It's harrassment. "We can't," DR replies. "We have no way of knowing who is calling you."


ROUND THREE...the weasels keep calling, telling me they're now prepared to ruin my credit, keep piling on the penalties and, I swear to God, CLOSE MY ACCOUNT if I don't pony up more money. I call yet again, and am told once (actually thrice) again that I can't close my account, there's nothing anyone at Chase can do to help me and that they will keep calling forever and ever...and so on and so on until I mention I have spoken to dispute Resolution...and I am summarily transfered to DR after the "Chase Customer Service Representative" refuses to give me her name, an employee number or the name of her supervisor.

DR once again apologies. I offer to pay the penalties if that will make all this nonsense end, and DR says absolutely not — "Mr. Bane, you have done everything right and this is Chase's fault. You shouldn't have to pay anything."

However — and it's a big however — maybe it would be better if I went to my branch, the downtown branch in Boulder, CO, and make sure the account was closed. And they didn't fax me any papers to sign because the amounts were so small i didn't need to sign any papers. "Don't worry, Mr. Bane," DR said. "You account is closed and no one can debit from it."

Before I could get to Boulder, I get a threatening letter in addition to my endless phone calls, which were continuing at the rate of 5-6 a day, to my home number (which I never gave them) and my business number. So I drop everything and head to Boulder, where I meet the first nice person I've talked to at Chase, Crystal Wiley, who is an officer in commercial banking, who proceeds to tell me that everything DR told me is a lie.

"Your account is still open,'Ms. Wiley says, because it can't be closed unless you have a zero balance. You don't have a zero balance."

I go through the whole song and dance, and she says nothing Chase can do. So I pony up $52 and change, which she assures me DR will refund via a check, because if they refund me the money to my account, it automatically opens my that? "It's almost over," she says, "and I couldn't be more sorry flr your ordeal."

I will call you Wednesday morning, Ms. Wiley says, and make sure it's OFFICIALLY OVER.

Wednesday morning comes and goes.

No call.

Finally, at end of business day on Wednesday, I call for Ms.Wiley and get transfered to one Gayle Vaseman, an alledged customer service representative. Ms. Vaseman, who works out of the Boulder Downtown branch of Chase, is every bit as brusque — and rude — as the other Chase Weasels. A debit has come in, she says. I say DR has assured me that the account is closed and no one can debit it. Ms. Vaseman says she doesn't know anything about that, but in any case there's nothing she can do. I say any attempted debit is fraud. She says I'll have to take that up with my friends at DR. I start to explain, and she interrupts to say there is NOTHING she can do, so what do I want?

I say I want to speak to Ms.Wiley. After my 3rd request, she puts Ms. Wiley on the phone, who immediately begins appologizing for Ms. Vaseman's rudeness. She assures me that Ms. Vaseman is on the case and will, without fail, call me on Thursday to say whether the small debit has "posted" or not.

I say Im confused, as DR has assured me thatmy accountis closed and that NOTHING can debit from it. She says, well, I'm not sure, but if it "pists" and we pay it, you have to pay us, even though you insist it is an unauthorized debit and criminal fraud, because that;s the way it is. But I shold not worry, as Ms. Vaseman is an expert and good for her word.

Then Ms. Wiley leaves for vacation.

But as she is hanging up, I hear Ms. Vaseman, the expert and honest person, announce loudly thagt, "Boy I'm llooking forward to dealing with this one!"

Thursday, and the honest Ms. Vaseman doesn't call. In fact, I can't reach her in any way, and the honest Ms. Vasemen doesn't bother to return my call by end of business day Thursday. I have yet another call into my pals at DR. My account is still open. Chase is still charging me service fees and penalties.



I strongly urge everyone to forward this post to anyone in the banking community. If anyone has a direct phone number or email address for ANYONE at Chase, please forward it to me...I have worked as an investigative reporter and am an expert on the Internet, but the people at Chase, who refuse to give their names unless you demand it to their faces, keep their contact information VERY secret...gee, I wonder why!



Anonymous said...

There is nothing in the world that stops this kind or Kafka Light but a letter on a law firms stationary promising civil suit for fraud and mentioning the possibility that it could become a class action suit.

They probably told you the calls were recorded for 'quality assurance' and if they did the your sheister should mention that destroying any tapes that may be evidence in a civil or even criminal case would be a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely second the above comments. Either threat to sue, or go ahead and actually sue... The expense might be worth it in the end, beyond just the principle of the matter.

Zendo Deb said...

write to (or call) the Federal Reserve branch in your area, and accuse them of fraud - aimed at increasing fees. They may be able to do something.

Alcibiades said...

You could always start recording these telephone conversations (wiretap laws may apply). Of course, it may help you to just tell them your recording even if you are not. It may make them nervous and give something away.

They're doing something tricky, no doubt. You have to phrase something just right to get them to act...

Anonymous said...

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Attention James Dimon
Office of the Secretary
270 Park Avenue, 39th Floor
NY, NY 10017

Send your gripe directly to the CEO

Wbdrey said...

Michael I find all banking institutions to be the same. I have dealt with several. and get no different response than you. I have no sympathy for any "banker". In my humble opinion they are all theives and liars. You should threaten to sue. You should also post you entire rant in the editorial section of the Wall Street Journal,as they also hate exposure.

Unknown said...

Reminds me of the hassle in closing my Mom's BankOne account (now, BTW, part of the happy Chase family; coincidence?), only to find that BankOne re-opened the account because of some automatic debits and credits. Long story short, two months and multiple reimbursements to her retirement fund, etc.

I walked into the local branch, and told the pimply twenty-something that the account was supposed to be closed. He then launched into a long explanation of automatic debits and credits, stopping only when I rather rudely and brusqely asked him what did HE think the definition of closed was?

His deer in the headlights look was almost (almost, mind you) worth the hassle. He scurried off and got the president of the branch.

Unknown said...

PS: When you go in person, make a big show of getting their name and business card, and if they hassle you, remind them that you can very easily put their name first on the lawsuit you will be filing. Tends to work wonders at freeing up corporate interati.

shooter said...

Michael, too bad you don't live in Texas. I'd get you a new account in a heartbeat where I work. None of this "ring around the rosie" phone transfer B.S. If I were to treat a customer the way Chase is treating you, I'd be out on my ear in a heartbeat.

It really is a simple matter to refund service fees assessed in error and post a closing debit to get. your. account. closed. These guys are jerking your chain because Chase is a fee based bank. They only bought out Bank Once to increase deposits. For all intents and purposes, they are still a high dollar boutique bank giving the reach around to any customer with more than 4 0r 5 zeroes in their bank balance. Sad, but true.

Take the advice of the others here. Lawyer up, record some calls, and start sending the nasy lawyer letters. Don't give in! Go as high up as you can. Talk to branch managers if possible. They really have more clout to close accounts than commercial lenders. Here's a tip: Commercial Lenders are not customer service oriented. Personal Bankers and Branch Managers are the better route to get your needs met. Try and avoid Telephone Customer Service if at all possible. They don't know squat, have high turnover, and when stumped, pass you off to anyone else without a phone to their ear. It's the same at my bank.

Best of luck. Wish I could be up there to be your banker. This would never have happened.

Unknown said...

Don't go to Bank of unAmerica it's the same there. So far Amsouth bank has been petty good

Jose said...

oh Mike!
If I can only say I have been there. I am an auditor by profession I deal with getting information from people each and every day, both the nice and the not so nice.. To the point that I have a mini tagline that helps get through the day to day: "I am an auditor I do not have feelings” well rewind fast forward no difference, I am 2 days late on a payment with my chase cc, not to mail the payment but it clears 2 days late, a balance I was holding at a reduced percentage gets moved into prime I get charged late fees and interest and all sorts of fees. After many calls to Chase I loose my cool, me loose it, cursing and all, I pay out the nose and close the account (and not that easily either had to pay things had to clear than had to pay the little bit left, then refunded an overpayment…) So I was utterly convinced that I will never bank with Chase again. Fast forward to a month ago, I open up an Amazon cc for the convenience of purchasing on the site and it turns out to be a Chase, I was going to give them another chance, but for you and all the others out there like me I will cancel it tonight when I get home.

Sorry for the rant, just wanted to let you know that some of us have gone through it and I will at least do something on my end close my account!


Anonymous said...

Document how much time you have spent dealing with this crap, cook up a figure for compensation, and sue them.

Small claims court is good ... nothing is as much fun as using a default small claims judgment to harass boardroom people ... ignoring a garnishment for information results in a bench warrant.


Anonymous said...

+1 for legal action now, and the small claims court route, just document it all very carefully/completely and file, it will make them respond, I had the same type of situation with those politically correct morons at PayPal who were holding me up and refusing to close my account, amazing was a certified letter summons from small claims court in my home state did to the terminal loop run around disease those pricks was solved the day they got it...they don't want to have to pay their lawyers to deal with it worse than they don't want to let you close the account or make you pay idiotic fees...

Anonymous said...

other then that how did you like the play mrs. lincoln

Unknown said...

Dealt/Dealing with the same issue with National City...Yep you nailed it saying 'cautionary tale for the Electronic Age' Basically if a post to you account is made the account will be reopened. The same was true before E-checks...but all you had to do was to get rid of your 'paper' checks...Now that we are giving out our E-checks...anyone can post to your account with out you giving out a paper check...IT SUCKS BIG TIME. I feel exactly the "pissed off" feeling you have. It's dumbfounding that you can't close out an account. My account could reopen in 10years!!!
What it comes down to is the Banks could care less and will take any chance they can to 'steal' more $$$. You are leaving them, why would they care if they piss you off!!!
I believe something needs to be done (a law) to prevent this....A CLOSED account should mean a CLOSED account!!!!!!!

Alcibiades said...

If I remember something, only vice presidents can sign contract / make deals that have any legal weight (tellers can't make binding contracts for example). So, call center people aren't required to keep their word.

You may have to get a vice president to put something in writing to get your account fully closed.

Anonymous said...

Chase keeps sending me and my wife preapproved credit card applications, one every 2 or 3 weeks. We've called them probably 10 times to stop, they take our name and say "sure," but they keep coming.

We've been on the "opt out" list for 2 years now, and Chase is in violation of federal law by doing this. Problem is, there do not seem to be any penalties to the law, so they give us the finger and keep nailing us with junk mail. I despise this company and will never do business with them.

Anonymous said...

,,,Sounds like the same tactics used by AOL to keep you from leaving them. I'm not surprised that banks are using them too. My son went through the same thing a few years back, I still don't think the account is closed and he doesn't care either. Let them keep adding fees, etc; they can't bleed blood from a stone...if you follow me.

Anonymous said...

For you, a letter from a Law Firm isn't the only possibility.

You have the equipment, so go to the local branch with video camera, lights, boom mike and a some friends as 'crew'.

They will fix your problem just as soon as they change their drawers.

And even if they don't you should have some great video for a "YouTube" Moment.

Anonymous said...

My mistake; it's Citibank that keeps hassling us. (Chase did for a while too, but at least they stopped after a few irate phone calls.)

But it does bring up a larger issue... there are certain laws that are supposed to be followed in commerce, but large companies have not only dispensed completely with trying to give good service, they now flout the law unashamed, knowing it'll cost you a fortune to undo their mess legally.

ISPs are good at this. With one (Erols) I could not cancel my month-to-month contract without making me go through literally impossible hoops (my state attorney general finally got them to lay off); they were threatening to send my account to a collection agency. Similar hassle with Earthlink, which for over a year has owed me a refund for a month's service (I just wrote that off, no doubt as they hoped I would).

Anonymous said...


I, too, am in the midst of a 2 year problem-non resolution with Chase. (Fortunately just credit card related, though.) And this is not the first such experience with large financial institutions for me. My experience has been, and others' posted experience bears this out, that these types of problems are not unique to Chase; all the big banks appear to be using the same business and management model with simlar effect--disaster for any consumer that varies one iota from the bank's business plan for you.

Any advantage or convenience of banking with any of these institiutions is simply not worth the cost of repeated hassle that any relationship/entanglement with them entails, I now believe.

In trying to resolve these now regular problems, I try to tell myself that it is not the fault of the under-authorized person (moron) on the other end of the phone; they did not decide policy. But it seems impossible to communicate with anyone capable of treating the problem.

You are resourceful and I am sure you will see this resolved. Among other things, I would follow the advice given above and direct your certified correspondence (and/or that of your attorney) to CEO Jamie Dimon; I do not know another way to direct the heat to the proper people. Before you think everything is wrapped up, make sure you closely examine your credit files to make sure this issue has not corrupted them. (Good luck with that racket!)

I was not aware of the insidious ways one can be had through a checking account, but I am doubly glad that I have never ventured from my local credit union for that service. More and more, I am beginning to think that they are the only place to go for a credit card, too. But even my credit union is expanding and getting too big for my comfort, as they begin to adopt some of these same bureaucratic methods of business. The smaller and more local the bank or credit union, the better to avoid these hassles I believe.

Anonymous said...

A day doesn't go by that I don't get one or two credit card offers in the mail from all the big name banks and banking institutions (except Sundays when there is no mail delivery). There are days I go to the box to get my mail and that's all there is, credit card bank offers. Yes, all this junk mail and you'd think they'd want to save the paper. But my biggest beef is, why do they send me these offers everyday, I'm bankrupt!

Anonymous said...

Oh great. I have a Chase Amazon card. And I used to have a Chase checking account. Here's the evolution: back in 1989 I opened a checking account at a local Chicago-area S&L. They became "Deer Bank Co." (or something similar) and started acquiring other banks and S&Ls. Then Deer Bank was acquired by First Chicago....which was acquired by NBD, which merged with BankOne, which was acquired by Chase.

The progression is toward fewer and fewer very large companies, so the consumer has very little meaningful choice.

Jerry The Geek said...

The Color Of Money ...

.... is black. And bleak.

That's the problem with Having Money. You become its tool.

Here's an idea. Send me all of your money. I will handle the Dubious Denizens of Chase for the low low price of $29.95.

Sorry, I don't take checks.

Anonymous said...

Here's the problem. You're merely a customer - a way for them to make money. Banks have stockholders who want to see the price of their stock go up and so they screw YOU and other customers to acheive that result. This is true for EVERY bank, no matter how big or small.

At a credit union, you own the place. Credit unions are member-owned cooperatives that have a volunteer board of directors voted in by the members themselves. If you don't like something, YOU have the power to vote in a new board or be on the board yourself. Since credit unions are also not-for-profit and use the motto, "people helping people", the whole idea is to give their members better rates and more free & low-cost services. Ditch the bank and join a credit union.

Oh, and by the way, if you can fog a mirror, you can join a credit union even if your employer doesn't offer it as a benefit. Walk into any credit union and say you want to open an account. They'll find a way for you to join. I know because I'm also in the Boulder area and happen to work for one. Credit unions also share each other's branch & ATM networks so once you're in, you can go to any participating credit union branch or ATM in the country. Our members have 25,000 surcharge free ATMs nationwide and can use any of about 2400 branch locations - 100 of which are in Colorado.

Anonymous said...

Author of previous comment returns again...

Should have left the website.

And here's a funny MAC/PC-style parody website with videos about CUs and Banks

Anonymous said...

Yes, CUs are cool, unless they employ stupid people as well .. you're back to where you started.

I hate to sound like a simpleton - found this blog searching some Chase info - but who is debiting your account; who is the bank automatically sending money to? Aren't the people getting paid responsible for this too?

Anonymous said...

Credit Unions are the answer to profit-oriented banks and the megacorps that own them. Find your local credit union and feel the love.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ben C. for the ceo address and name. I've had nothing but trouble with them for the month I've had my account with them, and plan on writing them a long letter explaining the problems.

RE-Joni said...


I have been working with them for 19 months, they just foreclosed on my home that they did not have my property interests to secure. I am a former banker, I know. Turns out fraud/but hide because sold to FNMA. They are not note holder and could not even do, I have a few days to figure out. I have them big time and hope I did not come this far for nothng. If only I had lots of people to make a stink or the media, or something???

But what names do you need.

Joan Hogan

RE-Joni said...

Forget the federal reserve or occ or threat to sue, they don't care, and if you try it, watch the loopholes. If I can get some support to bombard the chairman Jamie Dimon with calls on Monday, and the attorney , and get this turned around, I have it all on the lawsuit..DOing it for 2 years and I was a senior bank executive for 26. I have all of them, Wachovia too.''

Any support out there????

I really mean that I found out more on banks (all the same) that I never knew.

Anonymous said...

For the record, Jamie Dimon doesn't answer the phone, or read letters from lawyers. There are administrative assistants who do that. Further more, any legal mail threatening a lawsuit will be forwarded to the legal department in Chicago. They deal with it from there.

Anonymous said...

Good to know I'm not alone. I will never bank with Chase again and will tell all my friends and family to avoid them at all costs.

Anonymous said...

I also had an awful experience with Chase. A death in the family caused me to get behind in my second mortgage. This was the first time I've ever been behind on any payments in over 25 years of financial dealings. The lies, threats, and abuse we're out and out harassment from the chase people. I finally got caught up and will hopefully never have to talk to another chase rep. I will NEVER do any business with chase in the future.

Anonymous said...

Chase opened a fraud credit card from an online application under my name. Four months later I get a collection call, so I start investigating. A year later my local police detective tells me that CHASE had the IP address but purged it within 90 days of opening the accout due to "no space" so any trace was GONE!! or else he could've found out whose computer it was applied from. Did you realize how easy chase makes it to steal electronically from them? Since they delete computer evidence within the 90 days!!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say...whoever suggested recording? It's illegal to record a conversation without saying so, and it will be thrown out in court. If you tell them that you are recording, they will cease talking until you stop. They will not condone it, and so, not valid in any legal matters. Though, if you love the sound of your own voice or something, by all means, go right ahead and break the law. I understand everyone is irate and stuff, but really, there's no use giving advice that's going to land you in jail. Seriously. I really don't have much I am at liberty to say on the topic other than that, but really, I understand you're riled up, but your decisions should be based off of sound advice. I wanted you to know this bit at least so your decision can be made under better circumstances and safer for you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Check out "Chase Bank's Bitch" on youtube. That says it all.

Anonymous said...

What's Jamie Diamon's home address? Anyone got it? With a phone number too. Everybody lives somewhere. We should all go over there some night with a news crew and expose him to the world for the scum bag he truly is.

Anonymous said...

I hate JP Morgan Chase with a Passion see why:

Anonymous said...

Count me in for a class action law suit. Chase has totally screwed my credit score.

Anonymous said...

I find your blog rather helpful, since it has something to do with the Chase. On the I found plenty of complaints in the address of the bank and now I doubt whether I should deal with it. The clients are not satisfied. This means the services and conditions are far from being perfect. The financial institutions are all about making profits of their own and they do not care about the customers.

Anonymous said...

This is crazy. It sounds like a lot of people have the same types of problems with their Banks. Something similar happened to my husband. He had his Chase account closed but it was never actually closed. Then they waited 4 months to call him constanly from morning to night to tell him he owed over $500 in fees and such. This is not the only problem with Chase, however, they also are hard to get a straight answer from when you need it the most. A friend of mine was concerned about a call she received from "Chase" so she called Chase back but they could not tell her if her account had recently been accessed. You can read more about it on the Vox customerspective blog.

Anonymous said...

And how about that $10 per month fee on credit cards that they just put on people that have low life of the loan interest rates.

Anonymous said...

CHASE, relationship means NOTHING.
They are only out to nickel and dime you until you have no money left.
Jamie Dimon should be ashamed of himself.

Anonymous said...

I also had a bad experience with Chase. I opened a business savings account at Chase for my business by transferring funds from my personal savings with Chase. Chase treated the transfer as a cash transferred and assessed me $60.00 for opening a business savings account with their bank. I couldn't believe it. When I called to complain, I was told that there was nothing that could be done. I am now looking for a new bank to use.

If you are planning to open a business account with Chase - DONT! You will be killed with hidden fees and other gimmicks to make money. I am telling all of my friends to reconsider their use of Chase. The more of us that leave Chase, the stronger the message. They need to know that they can't push around the little guy!

Unknown said...

My payment was due April 5th - we use online bill pay to pay our bills and the payment took longer in its processing than normal. They received the payment on April 7th. Was never late before and have not been late since. My once pleasant APR is now 29.99%. They were 'nice' enough to reverse the late fee but refuse to use any common sense or good judgment to retain a historically and present GOOD client that actually pays her bills and readjust the APR.

Went through two ANTI 'customer-service' agents who touted the company line well and finally got to their ANTI 'customer service' manager, Tristan, who soundly touted the same borg-like, "we-can't-actually-THINK-and-make-GOOD-business-decisions" line and then quite finally hung up on me. Mind you, I never used profanity or raised my voice to these people. I simply was presenting a strong argument they had no reasonable recourse for so they just had to hang up. Nice one CHASE. Will have that account paid off next month and will never, EVER, use CHASE again.

Anonymous said...

Want his home address?

James (Jamie) Dimon
1185 Park Ave
New York, New York

Home phone is closely guarded.
listed home# is screened by a screening service

You need to get pictures of him with that hot Brunett he had in the elevator at the trump towers.

Anonymous said...

Law firm Stationary? Class Action Law Suit? thats all a joke. Do you really think a bank that is worth 2trillion dollars cares if you send something on law firm stationary? They could buy and sell your attorney a million times over and they have a legal department the size of Texas. You don't scare them at all.

Anonymous said...

Another Chase woe - the lowered my credit limit on 7/9/09, sent me a letter dated 7/15/09, my last charge was 7/13/09 and then I had a $39 OVERLIMIT fee. When I called I was told that it was my responsibility to check my card each and every time before I used it - then I would have known my credit limit was lowered. UNBELIEVEABLE! I don't give a crap about them lowering the limit because TRUST ME, I am getting rid of Chase as soon as possible. What I did mind was the $39 overlimit fee.

After about 45 minutes on the phone and a complete meltdown on my part I finally talked to a supervisor who took of the $39. But, my time was worth more!

Now I just found out that they raised my interest rate - just because.

I did not choose Chase - they bought my bank. Now they have me held captive because I have my mortgage and my Mastercard with them.

I truly feel your pain!

Anonymous said...

I've been trying to close my account since I left the 1997. I tried to do it in person in 2001 but was told I had to mail them a written request. I did but was told my signature has changed and I have to send a notarized signature change form. Not sure how that can be arranged outside the U.S. They also refused to accept my change of address request for the same reason, my statements are being sent to the wrong country. worst thing is the account could be handed over to the government due to inactivity inspite of my several attempts to contact them. This is a nasty racket.

Anonymous said...

I had an American Express Business Line of Credit for over 15 years. A 20K credit line I used once in a while and was never late. They sold it to GE Money and they sold it to Chase. Chase made it a personal line of credit. Chase then evaluated my credit and said I have too much personal revolving credit so they dropped my credit limits on all my chase cards. Then Well Fargo dropped my credit limits. That line of credit NEVER showed up on my credit reports until Chase got it. Now it is screwing up all my other lines of credit and my FICO score which is really a bad deal.

What we ALL need to do is bombard the FTC, our so called elected officials with complaints.

Anonymous said...

Is CHASE BANK a sign of the End Times?!
These are strictly OPINIONS AND OBSERVATIONS AND ARE NOT ACCUSATIONS.. this is for entertainment only...

Revelations Chapter 18....
11"The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes any more—

Anonymous said...

Chase may well treat its customers like shit, I don't know because my family uses National City for their bank account so I haven't dealt with it very much in that respect. But I will say this for Chase, I've applied to work there online and there job applications are much easier to fill out than most banks job applications. I don't like to apply for jobs online, but all the banks I know of except First Merchants make you, and Chase had the easiest online application to fill out. The others were all impossible to fill out. The only 1 I liked better than Chase was First Merchants because you could actually write it out instead which I find simpler and prefer. But Chase was the best and easiest of the banks to apply with the exception of First Merchants.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I have been stung by Chase today. They are practicing fraudulently and need to be held accountable. I was given false information by a customer service representative. I contacted the local District Attorney's Office Consumer Affairs and was told to deal with the regulatory agency called Office of the Comptroller of Currency (OCC). I have filed a complaint at

Anonymous said...

over 7 years with washington mutual never a overdraft and the first time I write a check since everything is done online I write out my rental check with plenty of funds to cover it and my landlord who also is a chase customer for over 20 years has it returned back to him and was told it was NSF. Calls me and he is not happy a late fee on my rent is $90 more and $5 for the return checck not honered . I called my bank chase bank and spoke with the representivs and they said they tried calling me 1 time to verify that it was my handwriting long story short they hosed while smiling i called some choice names and they shut down all of my accounts instantly and told me to take my buisness elsewhere they would not pay my late rent fee of $95 and closed all my accounts because i did not get to there 1 phone call and the check was good. so call them obscene names if you want out.

Anonymous said...

Agree with the anger... Chase Bank has messed up three times in the very recent past. They debited my account double on three transactions, then did the same to my friend's account, charging double for a single transaction. If a person is too busy to check each item, he or she might miss the loss, and the bank pockets the extra.

Customer service says, "The merchant made the mistake"... but in the WaMu days, no such thing ever happened. I don't believe the coincidence that four or five merchants are all trying the same trick. It makes more sense to think that the bank is doing it on their own,... but that's speculation.

Anonymous said...

I have an e-mail address for's in Houston, Tx. for someone in dispute resolutions. I too am going through a Chase banking it's a research analyst in dispute resolutions...good luck

Anonymous said...

They just cancelled my small $300 limit credit card...not because I didn't pay them every month on time but because they pulled up my credit report and saw I had been unemployed for 19 months with all that goes with that...and cancedlled me with no notice. I'm pulling my meager bank & savings account out of there on Monday.

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Anonymous said...

A very nice niche blog, and a good design there sparks Simplicity yet complex algorithm of the internet. Thank You for the post.


Anonymous said...

I also spend time in Uruguay, because it’s a tiny little country with no ambitions to conquer the world. The nice thing about New Zealand, where I am now, is that it’s a small country, only 4 million people, lots of open land.Bank

Unknown said...

The only way to resolve all the abuse from the major banks especially CHASE, is for us citizens to go and close all our checking and savings and CD's at CHASE and other big banks and put our money in local FDIC protected credit unions. Once they see their deposit money drying up, they will know we mean business and they will have no choice but to help families in foreclosure and reduce their outrageous fees and BONUSES!!!!!


Sarkari NAukri said...


super said...

Nothing against the article, but I disagree with a couple of points to some extenct. I’m probably a minority though, lol. Thanks for sharing.
Hotels In Porto said...

This can't truly have success, I suppose so.

John said...

From reading the blog and comments that the best way to deal with Chase is to not deal with Chase at all and to try to get a many people as possible to not deal with them. The less people that deal with them the better. It's the same for any large organization or corporation. They thrive of bleeding people. If less people go to their blood banks they will have much less to deal with.

My wife pays the mortgage on time every month and yet they call and call and continue to call. We've never been late. We've been what is known as a "model citizen" to them. They treat us like trash. I've come to the conclusion that the best course of action is the double or triple up payment and get them off our backs as quickly as possible then have nothing to do with them ever again.

Also making my money as hard to get to as possible by anyone else but myself seems like a reasonable way to go. That includes any automatic services both deposit or withdrawal.

As far as the naysayers saying forget this and that, don't listen to them. Sure the company is HUGE but everything starts somewhere. A snowball is only a few flakes large in the beginning but if enough diligence is put into it, it can become a monster soon enough.

Prudence said...

Pretty effective info, thanks so much for this article.

Anonymous said...

I have 3 credit cards with Chase and a Truck payment with Chase bank. I pay all on time, every time. I thought I was a loyal customer, but apparently I'm not. I had an opportunity to pay down my credit card debt, and decided to pay off 1 of my Chase cards. $10,000 -hoping my credit rating would go up, only to receive a letter from Chase telling me (on the card I paid in full)that due to a recent evaluation my available credit will go down by $5,000. Now you may think this is no big deal, but I am furious. That $10,000 available credit should make my score go up, but now it is only $5,0000 available it will not. Also, I guess I can expect what little I have left available on my other cards will probably be decreased too. I called, and of course talked with a girl from India who told me all they could do was reevaluate my credit situation again. What good will that do? You just did it and found it to be needing a decrease? She definitely heard an earful on how Chase rewards their loyal customers. I pla to blog about this to everyone, everywhere. If it stops one person from using Chase, be it a bank account or car loan, or credit card, I would be happy as you state- Friends don't let Friends use Chase Bank. Thanks for listening.

Anonymous said...

One possible reason why an account cannot be closed by bank is that any ach debit set-up to a certain company must be handled first by the account owner through notifying that the company that the account will closed. at the moment the customer request to have the account closed it will immediately be processed within 10 business days period and it will prevent the account from closing if there are ach debits that will hit the account while on process. Banks are the receiving end part of the transaction since this is an agreement between customer and the company. make sure everything is set with the company to make sure they will no longer submit any transaction on the account when requesting for account closure.

Unknown said...

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