Friday, July 13, 2007

Jim Cirillo Killed in Car Crash

Good Lord, another dear friend lost!

Jim Cirillo, the legendary member of the New York City Police Department "Stake Out Squad" in the 1970s, was killed yesterday in a car-truck collision in New York...Jim was 76.

I don't even know what to say right now...


Anonymous said...

I hate to hear that. He was for sure one of the good guys.

Eric said...

May light perpetual shine upon him.

Anonymous said...

The Warrior's Prayer

Long since, in sore distress, I heard one
“Lord, who prevailest with resistless might,
Ever from war and strife keep me away,
My battles fight!”

I know not if I play the Pharisee,
And if my brother after all be right;
But mine shall be the warrior’s plea to thee—
Strength for the fight.

I do not ask that thou shalt front the fray,
And drive the warring foeman from my sight;
I only ask, O Lord, by night, by day,
Strength for the fight!

When foes upon me press, let me not quail
Nor think to turn me into coward flight.
I only ask, to make my arms prevail,
Strength for the fight!

Still let mine eyes look ever on the foe,
Still let mine armor case me strong and
And grant me, as I deal each righteous blow,
Strength for the fight!

And when, at eventide, the fray is done,
My soul to Death’s bedchamber do thou
And give me, be the field lost or won,
Rest from the fight!

-- Paul Laurence Dundar

Unknown said...

This is turning out to be a bad week indeed. A legend that will be missed but not forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about yet another loss.

Just don't you be the third, okay?

Anonymous said...

It is indeed bad news. I admired him very much. My best to his family. He will be missed.

Anonymous said...

Shot with Jim at S&W IDPA Winters a number of years ago. He is a true gentleman & he will be missed.

Anonymous said...

I wish he had written more.
So much experiance, what a loss.

Anonymous said...

I was lucky to have Jim as an instructor for my Firearms Instructor Training Class at FLETC. He was one of the most interesting guys I ever met and he was the real McCoy when it came to gunfighting.