Sunday, June 13, 2010

Global Warming Alert!

I'm actually taking ou guys' advice and have knocked off everything over the weekend to concentrate on sleep — not hard, since it has been cold and raining. I did want to post a quick note saying that, right here on June 13, it's snowing again. ARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!


Kansas Scout said...

It's that pesky global warming causing this late snow....;)

Good time to sleep

Anonymous said...

Cold as He!! here in West Texas NOT


ericire12 said...

97 where I live

Stuart said...

And there was me sweating at the range, shooting 30-06 out of a Garand in 95 degree heat. This afternoon will be spent indoors watching the World Cup.

Not Available said...

Will you get less snow on those 34 acres to talked about?

jabber said...

Does everyone understand the difference between "climate" and "weather"? And while the climate issues may or may not be caused by cars and other human reasons (I don't care which), the facts remain that the climate is changing.

Michael Bane said...

jabber...we all understand the difference between "weather" and "climate," just as we all understand that the climate is indeed changing...however, keep in mind that NONE of us would like to become a 21st century cheesy version of Stalin's USSR because of our politician's response to said changes...climate change alarmist don't give a damn about what poor old Mother Earth is doing...rather, they see this as their moment, their great opportunity to break the capitalist system and it's inherent driver of consumerism. As usual, it's a battle between wildly differing world views using the climate as an excuse. And it's STILL colder than crap up here!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


If your arteries feel up to it, I heartily recommend the Chicken Fried Steak (breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc) at BB Codys.

It's about the size of a manhole cover and covered in a creamy country gravy that evan a bona fide, certified, country-fried Southern gentleman can appreciate.

Not hard to find, step out on Main St. and listen for the barker calling "Beee... Beee... Codys!)

Unfortunately, you're going to be there one week before I make my annual return to the home mountains.

If you stop off in Sturgis, tell Pete Pi and family I said hello.

DamDoc said...

It is in the 50's degrees Gore here in Maine.. No snow, but cool!

Anonymous said...

Today's "Day by Day" 'strip" just about sums up where the government wants to take us. It has nothing to do with anything other than power and control. Power for "them" and control over YOU!
Life Member

By the way, we all need to watch what's going on at the UN this week. This is probably the biggest event that may influence our future as 2A supporters. Keep up with the happenings by visiting the NRA-ILA site.

nj_larry said...

Just a reminder also that we are probably within a 2 week window or so for the McDonald case decision from SCOTUS. It could come at any time. Two great websites to follow for the coming days:

and David Hardy's blog:

jabber said...


Agreed. There are too many alarmest in the kitchen who have their own agenda to push. And to add to the regional weather reports, down here in Miami and specifically the Markham park range, its pretty hot and sticky. Best!