Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Oh Please...

From U.S. News right now...

11:30 AM ET | James Pethokoukis | Permanent Link | Print
I just talked to one of my best Team McCain sources who told me that heading into today all the key battleground polls were moving hard and fast in their direction. The source, hardly a perma-optimist, thinks it will be a long night, but that McCain is going to win. So add this with the new Battleground poll (Obama +1.9 only) and the rising stock market...


Anonymous said...

To help make this happen, I sacrificed a basket of sopapilas at lunch to honor the election gods.

alfsauve said...

I'm personally imbibing in sacrificial Merlot at this point.

Anonymous said...

As per MB (and the Mechanics) I've put a gun and ammo behind the door.


Anonymous said...

Including the car door...especially tomorrow especially if BHO loses.

Anonymous said...

Personally I'm routing for all the MSM networks to embarass themselves by calling states based on exit polls.

Anonymous said...

Stock Market rally? Hardly, at the start today, the morning after, the "Street" is speaking: Dow Futures down 100! Analysts are saying that they don't like what is about to happen, as it is so predictable.
Predictions for the future? They are: The Dem's will dump-in all that they can to make the current, Republican administration look bad. Forget that THEY caused the melt-down. The first to go will be the US Auto Industry. They'll stall any loans, hiding behind the "We hate you because you made and sold us the cars that the market wanted and didn't try to MAKE us buy smaller cars and trucks that we didn't want, so you must be punished!" mantra. It will go down this year. We will sink into a real full-blown DEPRESSION, both economic and mental. Obama has already started to prepare us for his re-election by saying that he may not be able to do everything that he promised this term! His 2012 campaing speech will continue to blame everything on eight years of failed George Bush policies and not on dishonest Democrat policies and lies. He WILL install at least two, maybe three liberal judges to the SCOTUS AND he will begin to sign into law his idea of "common sense gun laws".
Conservativeism is truly dead. It will never come back as we know it, with the cahnges in the laws and re-interpretation of the Constitution.
I will now go silent.
Life Member