Thursday, January 12, 2006

Brad & Angelina's Baby!

No, I didn't have anything to do with it...she didn't even call, the heartless slut! Maybe she'll auction off that little vial of Billy Bob's blood (sounds like cola for redneck vampires, doesn't it?) on eBay. Be a nice gift for my Sweetie; beats one of those boring diamonds. Well, any girl obsessed with knives can't be all bad, although if I were the Brad-ster, I might sleep with one eye open and keep checking under the bed for an icepick.

Meanwhile, I spent the day reviewing SHOOTING GALLERY and COWBOY video...I am sooooooooo pleased! The editing just rocks, and the information is equally solid. I really like the opening segment of the SG Zen of the .22 episode, featuring guns from Tactical Solutions and SIGARMS, which is scheduled to air the week of February 6. I think I may have finally succeeded in offending nearly everyone.

We're also putting together some really cool COWBOYS episodes, including one where we bring SG regular Walt Rauch and legendary NYPD Stake-Out Squad member Jim Cirillo — who has been called a modern day Wyatt Earp — to Tombstone to give a serious hard-core critique of the gunfight at the O.K. Corral.

On the news front, here's a nice story from ESPN Outdoors from my friend James Swan, who once got an acting job on Star Trek Next Gen because he had the same size feet (small) as Patrick Stewart:
The hunting and shooting sports community does heroic work, but it tends to focus on fighting a seemingly endless stream of defensive battles.

The time is long overdue to take some pro-active steps to educate the general public about the truth surrounding people who own guns, enjoy shooting them safely and hunt.


The media is a powerful force of shaping community attitudes, and its anti-gun bias is well-documented. Outdoor channels tend to reach the choir. The battle for public opinion about guns will be won in the general media.

Preachy documentaries tend to reach "the saved." Despite the box office success of Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11," his candidate did not win.

People want to be entertained. Consider what the film "A River Runs Through It" did for the explosive growth of flyfishing.
You might also want to read James' excellent book, In Defense of Hunting.

I'm hoping I hit a couple of days of decent weather at home to put some rounds downrange, specifically through the Hamilton Bowen .38-40 S&W and the Cylinder & Slide 1911. I'm going to spend a little time chained to the Big Blue Machine and produce some cakewalk .38-40s. I've got a bunch of Black Hills Cowboy .38-40 and some of the hot WW .38-40 JHPs, which skate between .40 S&W and .41 Magnums (you already know that .38-40s aren't .38 caliber, right? .401 bullets), but I'd like some little puffers. I also want to start putting in some competition practice, because I'm committed to shooting — as well as filming — the Single Stack Classic and the International Revolver Championships, and I'd like to not be a complete cretin.

As I've mentioned before, Randy Lee's building me a 629 .44 revolver for the IRC; I'd like to beta-test one of the new SIG GSR Revolution 1911s — this one, except without a rail — at the Single Stack. It depends on whether they can get me one in time for Bruce Gray to dink it before the match. I loved the ones I shot up at SIG a couple of months ago...really slick 1911s, and I would have happily given money for the two-toned one I did the most shooting with (not for sale, unfortunately)! But if past is any precedent, I will need the grip safety lightened up, and I'm picky about competition triggers. If I absolutely postively can't get the SIG, I'll shoot the C&S gun, which is the one built on the Kimber Olympic gun. Still, I seriously doubt Rob Leatham has anything to worry about!


Anonymous said...

Just watched the point shootinf episode last night and have to agree that the editing is getting better. Never really considered point shooting before but may now have to take a class or two and see.
Eric Kelley

Anonymous said...

Hi. Great site you've got here. I'm always on the look out for fly rods info and sites to use and recommend and I have to say that yours is one of the better ones. Out of time, I'll post again soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi all. Can anyone tell me what size and style of hooks I should be using to tie small nymphs?
trout fishing

Anonymous said...

This is nice site i think everyone should just lay off of these people. They probably want to live a normal life like the rest of us. Jen obviously went on with her life with Ben Affleck she should have a baby and get married too.

Knox Leon

Knox Leon

loosy said...

Hi, This article is very nice.This article tells about Brad and Angelina's baby.
i think everyone should just lay off of these people. They probably want to live a normal life like the rest of us. Jen obviously went on with her life with Ben Affleck she should have a baby and get married too.



pinky said...

The battle for public opinion about guns will be won in the general media.The media is a powerful force of shaping community attitudes, and its anti-gun bias is well-documented.



bush123 said...

This article is very nice.This article tells about Brad and Angelina's baby.

Js15084 said...

"Brad & Angelina's Baby!" article is very nice. This article tells about Brad and Angelina's baby. I hope everyone should just lay off of these people.

knowl said...

The media is a powerful force of shaping community attitudes, and its anti-gun bias is well- documented. The battle for public opinion about guns will be won in the general media.I think decent weather at home to put some rounds downrange, specifically through the Hamilton Bowen.




suszen said...

This is nice to here about Angelina and Brad. Really we should layoff from these people.




maddy said...

The article is very nice and its about Angelina and Brad Pitt's babies. I think everybody should get familiar with this article.




Anonymous said...

hi, this is an interesting article. I think everyone should just lay off of these people. They probably want to live a normal life like the rest of us.




Unknown said...

The media is a powerful force of shaping community attitudes.I think everybody should get familiar with this article.The battle for public opinion about guns will be won in the general media.


rishabh04 said...

It’s a great news that they have their own children .I hope they don’t stop adopting children.



: worldinfo

Anonymous said...

yeah this site provides some information about fly compare to other sites its nice site.what I was looking for, but I think it's been relevant enough to be helpful.

Anonymous said...

Brad and Angelina are proud parents now. They must be enjoying their parenthood. I hope Angelina will not stop adapting kids..




Anonymous said...

Hi, this is Jenitta, this is an fascinating commentary. I imagine each one should just put down rotten of these people. They perhaps want to live a usual life like the rest of us.



bhupa said...

They have a cute baby. They are happy to have it. There parents are also very happy. Good luck to them to have a new member in their family.




pamal said...

HI that a great new that the two stars have there own children I hope that it will not stop them from adapting more children’s.




Anonymous said...

This is a great site which provides intresting topics like this. Angelina was at top of the world and her pregnancy made her more and more rich. Hats-off to the children.


kitty mittal said...

Angelina is a very good actress in Hollywood and most popular also. This article is related to Brad and Angelina�s baby. My best wishes to both of them to have a new member in their family

Anonymous said...

This article is sufficient to describe about Brad and Angelina's baby. I wish them a very happy and prosperous life.

Anonymous said...

This article is related to Brad and Angelina�s baby. I hope Angelina will not stop adapting kids. My best wishes to both of them to have a new member in their family

jitendra said...

The Michael Bane Blog is an article which is related to Brad and Angelina�s baby they have a cute baby. They are very nice couple. May god give them bless. They are very caring for their baby.

Unknown said...

This article is very nice. This article tells about brad and Angelina�s baby. I think everyone should just lay off of these people. They probably want to live a normal life like the rest of us.

nikki said...

hi, This is an interesting article. I think everyone should just lay off of these people. They probably want to live a normal life like the rest of us.

Rahul said...


this site contain all the information about the Brad and Jolie's baby evrybody wonts to take information about the baby of two superstars. by this site people can came to know about the two lucky baby.


Rahul Kumar

Massachusetts Treatment Centers

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting article.It tells about brad and angelinas baby.

Anonymous said...

This is really a good article. This article speaks about Angelina and Brad babies. They lived a enjoyable parenthood.



jakson said...

I love this couple they have been so bless because of their giving spirit. It�s truly amazing how much we love and follow this Hollywood family.

Unknown said...

hi, this is an interesting article. I think everyone should just lay off of these people. They probably want to live a normal life like the rest of us.




bhupa said...

Brat and Angelina must be very happy couple. The are now getting a gift of their life.




prathap said...

This is nice to here about Angelina and Brad. Really we should layoff from these people.




Unknown said...

This article is extremely good. This article tells about Brad and Angelina's twins baby.




Anonymous said...

Brad & Angelina both are again in controversies for their twins. I hope they are enjoying their parenthood and may God bless them.




Peter said...

Hi, this is an interesting article. I think everyone should just lay off of these people. They probably want to live a normal life like the rest of us.



Archie said...

Angie gives birth to twins. The twin was name Knox Leon for the baby boy who weigh 5.03 lbs while the baby girl was named Vivienne Marcheline and weighs 5 lbs taken from Angelina’s mom Marcheline. Angie and her kids are good… Brad and Angie both are very happy…


About Wi-Fi

Unknown said...

I think everyone should just lay off of these people. They probably want to live a normal life like the rest of us. Jen obviously went on with her life with Ben Affleck she should have a baby and get married too.



Anonymous said...

Just watched the point shootinf episode last night and have to agree that the editing is getting better. Never really considered point shooting before but may now have to take a class or two and see.
Eric Kelley">google

Unknown said...

brad&angelina baby article is nice. its tells about their twins birth.