Monday, January 05, 2009

The Very Last Cannon Safe Story...

Okay, this is the last story, and it's here out of fairness. I spoke with Mike Baker, one of the owners of Cannon Safes, over the weekend. Obviously, he isn't a happy camper and there were some tense moments...but all in all it was a relatively cordial conversation. I told him I would give him his say on the blog, because that's only fair.

Mr. Baker says quite emphatically that Cannon Safe met the letter of its warranty agreement. Locks are only warrantied parts and labor — as a couple of my commenters have noted — for one year. By sending me the replacement lock, Cannon fulfilled their warranty to replace products with a manufacturing defect, even though they did not manufacture the lock.

Mr. Baker also says that "99.999999%" of the people who call Cannon customer service do not have the experience that I had. He pointed out that his company had recently received awards from retail organizations. He stated that perhaps if I had not demanded special service I would not have drawn the ire of the customer service representative. He also stated that he did not know that I had not only asked for special service, but offered to pay for it in full up front.

He stated the LP lock provided to me actually has a highly level of security than the KABA lock currently on the safe, and that electronic locks in general have a better security rating than mechanical locks.

Mr. Baker also said that his customer service representative apparently misspoke — a locked safe did not have to be drilled to be opened, and that he would contact me with a solution on Monday. Good to his word, he called today with the name of a locksmith in Denver who would be receiving an electronic safe opening tool via UPS from Cannon which would allow them to open my safe and replace the lock.

I told him that had his customer service representative said that to me more than a week ago, we would have never had our little imbroglio. here's the punch line. After our conversation, I decided to take a lot of other commenters' advice and have a go at it myself. What's to lose? I pulled the lock completely apart — voiding any and all warranties, to be sure — pulled out the circuit board, rewired it with scavenged wiring from a breadboard project, rerouted the wires in ways to take off the stress, hooked up a battery and opened my safe. Just like that...

Should I have done this first?

I don't believe so...safes are expensive, ostensibly lifetime investments, and I suspect it's better to have experts work on them than ham-handed (and lucky) amatuers. I used heat sinks, but it's a crap shoot on a small circuit're always risking heat damage. I'm still going to replace the lock — with a mechanical one if I can, or a top-of-the-line electronic if I can't. I will be returning the LP lock to Cannon...and I'm going to be buying a new safe at SHOT because I need the room and, in truth, I've lost a lot of faith in this one.

I am thinking of a different safe strategy, however...instead one one big one with all the eggs in one basket like I have now, I'm thinking of a couple of smaller ones, which I can stage in various places in the house (upstairs; main floor; old safe in basement). Always an AR at hand, as it were.

Still, I look great in a hoodie, don't I?

BTW...Wednesday's podcast will have some thoughts on choosing a gunsafe as well as the skivvy on the new 4.6 X 30 revolver to be introduced at SHOT!


Anonymous said...

As someone who needs a safe, I'm not sure Cannon will be on my list of ones to look at.

Unless you want to send me your old one ;)

Rustmeister said...

He stated that perhaps if I had not demanded special service I would not have drawn the ire of the customer service representative.

Bogus statement. A good CS rep has no ire to draw.

Looks like Mr. Baker has his priorities out of place.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully they get their due. MBs blog post will live on in the cyber world forever thank god and keep draining business from them for years !

When they finally go out of business their epitaph on boot hill will be, "came to a gun fight with a knife".

Anonymous said...

What about the libel suit threat the CR made? That's quite a bit more than "ire" and the truly unforgivable thing.

vmijpp said...

He should reserve his ire for his know-nothing employees. Sorry, Mr Baker, but people f-ed you. Don't blame MB.

Overload in Colorado said...

Can I mention that in your hoodie picture you look a lot like this:

Overload in CO

Anonymous said...

I spent many years in various call centers... If any of my co-workers had been caught talking to a customer the way that rep talked to you, they would have been fired on the spot... Hell, even managers couldnt get away with that in most cases.

There is no excuse for abusive customer service.

Anonymous said...

Thanks MB, sorry your the one who went thru all the trouble, but now we all know what safe not to buy. I need a good one and it sure as HELL won't be a cannon. Fulfilled the warranty?-how by standing behind some pinhead rep that wouldn't/ couldn't get an opening kit out to you(his job) even tho you offered to pay extra.Bah Humbug! Poor CS, poor mgt. the mushroom

Anonymous said...

Why on Earth would Ruger make a 4.6x30 revolver?

Anonymous said...

Baker should also consider removing some of the hyperbole from his ads, including, "As a proud Cannon Safe Owner, you will also have access to knowledgeable service technicians with the authority to fix any Cannon Safe issue on the spot."

Clearly MB has proven that's BS, and potentially actionable BS had MB suffered significant monetary damages in being prevented access to materials he had stored in the safe.

Unknown said...

I'm don't blame you one bit MB. I think you did this right and Cannon screwed up.

Anonymous said...

So he confirmed that his company is run by nit-picking lawyers; (paraphrasing)
"The safe is warranted, but not the lock because Cannon didn't physically manufacture the lock. We evaluated a bunch of electronic locks, designed our safe to accept this particular electronic lock, established a supply-chain and support-chain system for this particular electronic lock. But we don't warranty it for very long. We could have spec'd out a more durable or longer lasting electronic lock for our safe, but we chose not to."

And I agree with the bad comment regarding the 'ire' of a CS rep. That should never happen with good training and good management.

I kinda feel bad for the guy you talked with. He's invested his life into buildin a company and he's been screwed over - perhaps by his own short-sighted decisions.

BigBlk said...


I purchased a Liberty safe from Cabela's last year, and had the EXACT same problem you did: the S&G lock failed, and I couldn't get into my safe. Come to find out, S&G had a certain run of electronic locks manufactured with parts not to spec, causing some of those locks to fail. When I called Liberty, the support was EXCELLENT, and they sent out a locksmith to deal with the problem. Initially they thought they could just have the locksmith pick the lock, but it didn't work, and neither Liberty or the smith received support from S&G (they don't want people knowing whether their locks can be picked) so the smith had to drill the lock. It was a relatively long and painful ordeal, requiring multiple visits from the smith, but in the end Liberty made good. ALL of the parts and labor were covered by Liberty; I didn't pay a dime. Liberty not only paid the smith for his time and replaced the lock with a new S&G electronic lock, they also sent new hard plates, fireproofing, even touch up paint to fix the damage done to the safe to get into it.

I thought it was worthwhile to detail my story to note a few things in contrast to your incident:

1. Liberty covered everything, no questions, and even picked up the extra cost of drilling the lock, an expense they didn't initially believe they would need to pay. I don't care what Cannon says to you now, their position on the issue stinks; not much of a lifetime warranty, and one would think they'd want to stand behind their product despite what the warranty says.

2. I was NEVER treated with anything but the utmost respect by the people on the phone at Liberty, even when my "Irish was up" over the whole situation and I was giving them grief. As others here have said, whoever you spoke to at Cannon shouldn't have a job today. A CSR's job is to deal with people when they're unhappy about a product; if that's a problem for the individual in question, the said person should find another line of work.

3. While it was a real pain in the a** that the smith had to drill the lock, in a way I was actually happy that he couldn't pick it; it speaks to the security and durability of the lock. The smith in question has a reputation in the area for being really good; I watched what he did, helped him read the directions, and even viewed what he was doing through his tools, and he still couldn't get it open. Even when he drilled it, he had to drill in more than one place to get the bolt free. If you were able to open the lock you have with a solder iron and some spare wire, that to me doesn't say much about the security of the lock.

I'd get rid of that tin can and pick up a real safe, one from a manufacturer who believes in their product and will stand behind it.

Anonymous said...


Before you by a new "safe" you should do some research on the difference between a "Safe" and a "RSC."

Most gun safes are UL rated as "RSC" or "Residential Security Containers."

That's a UL rating that means they are rated to resist an attack by simple hand tools for only five minutes. We're talking hammers and screwdrivers here.

RSC's are generally thin metal with dry added inside as an attept to add some fire resistence.

Real safes, like honest to God burgerly safes for commercial use, are rated by construction methods, as in a "B Rate" safe or are rated for tool resistence time. A "TL 15" rated safe, for instance, is rated to withstand attack for 15 minutes.

The problem with buying a RSC is you aren't really getting the protection you think you are getting. The high end RSC's don't offer much more protection then the cheap RSC's and often the high end RSC's are almost as expensive as a REAL TL 15 or B rate safe.

The best value in a TL 15 or B rate is in a used safe. It does take more work to find one though.

Talk to a safe technician and so some research before buying a new safe.

Anonymous said...

Kudos on your plan to disperse your property - diversification is a free lunch in both stock investing and storage of valuables. Squirrels do it, why not you?

May I also suggest going a bit further and HIDING one or more of your storage units by using a fake wall, installing it behind a cabinet in space between wall or joists, or going to the basement or attic to use space between ceiling joists?

Anonymous said...

Been following this with interest. Back when I worked for a certain technology company our customer service standard when a customer encountered a problem that wasn't resolved at Tier 1 within a certain time frame was "what would you like us to do?" Then we did it. Sometimes it involved ASAP replacement of equipment, on one occasion I'm aware of it involved flying a developer in for a day.

Expensive? Damn right it was.

The advantages, though, are many:

That particular problem was resolved and technical staff could go on to other things;
That customer understood exactly what their service/support agreement with us was worth and - often - did not hesitate to spread that word around.
It taught our employees that our customers are the most important people in our business and that they need to be treated accordingly.
It also taught our employees the value of devoting sufficient effort to kill a problem as early as possible, which was reinforced in the after action review management conducted on the event.

I don't know what Cannon's average profit margin is per safe, but it wouldn't surprise me if they've lost a minimum of 1,000 sales from this, since it's been all over the gun blogs.

That's pretty damn expensive, too.

On a side note, one thing not often noted about electronic locks is that they're not hard to defeat once they're a few years old. If your combination is 1-2-3-4-5-6 after a while those buttons start showing wear; the number of permutations of 6 digits is a lot less than 10 digits.

Sensitive hearing devices can be used to attack something like a S&G dial lock; I wonder if anyone has thought of attaching a vibrating device to the door to induce sympathetic vibrations in the door steel that would defeat that. Anyone know or have data on it? Would the vibrations such a device eventually cause damage to a dial lock?

Anonymous said...

I used to be a Cannon Safe dealer. We dropped the entire line because of horrible screw ups from the sales dept, customer service dept, and billing dept!
Management is always polite but could not care a less about customer service.
After all these are CHINESE made safes! Only finish work is done in the USA. Then they try to sell it at a premium price "Made in the USA" product...which its not! You can find similar products. You can our selection of gun safes from a multiple manufactures at

Anonymous said...

I have posted it before and I'll post it again. I think most gun "safes" are just drywall boxes encased in sheet metal:

It still kinda bugs me that Michael didn't jump on the let's bash H-S Precision bandwagon.

Anonymous said...

Another reason to eschew electronics and go with a good mechanical lock....and the idea of dispersing your collections in smaller safes in different locations is a good one....need to do that myself....

Anonymous said...

Just remember when you start moving safes above the basement that they will experience higher temps in a fire and possible damage from falling thru a couple of floors in a good burn. That is why the manufacturers recommend the basement. Also smaller safes are easier to cart off by bad guys.

Anonymous said...

Check out
They offer really thick steel and a great fire liner. I love mine. Best deal for the money.

iainmcphersn said...


If you are in a quandary for what to do with the old safe, might I suggest disposing of it at Knob Creek this spring? Filling it with water and sealing it before having a few volunteers on the line help with the "disposal" would make the result more memorable on video. :)


Anonymous said...

Zack Gilmore,
I've sold Cannon Safes for 25 years and I've been to there factory various times. I've never once seen them "finishing Chinese safes" True they sell a line of entry level safes imported from China just like Fort Knox, Liberty and every other company does because there are a lot of people who want to buy on price. After looking at your site you are the guy selling Chinese products so stop the BS.

Michael I know the tech you dealt with and frankly I think it was just a bad day for both of you. He has helped many customers over the years and I've never had a complaint in fact just the opposite. I would like all readers to know this guy has a totally different story and says that Michael was a jerk from the get go and was telling him what a huge name in the industry he is. WE THE READERS WILL NEVER KNOW THE TRUTH.

Anonymous said...

What a twit! How is asking a company to stand behind their warranty "demanding special service"? Mr. Baker you have lost another prospective customer. I have found a good safe company at the Pasadena, Tx. gunshow and I will spend my money with Texans who believe in customer service and who believe that their word is their bond.

Anonymous said...

"I would like all readers to know this guy has a totally different story and says that Michael was a jerk from the get go and was telling him what a huge name in the industry he is."

Which probably mirrors every other call the guy gets.

Is he expecting HAPPY people who cannot get into the their safe?

When you cannot get into your safe to get something mission-critical, you aren't going to be very bloody happy. The tech should expect this on EVERY SINGLE CALL.

I treat every single CS person I talk to with respect. But you can damned well guarantee that if they DON'T do their job, I will become a "jerk" real damned fast.

Frankly Cannon handled this so badly that I will NEVER consider a safe from them, period.

Anonymous said...

To "Anonymous": We might never know the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but enuf questions have been raised in my mind, and I'm sure in the minds of many others, that the Cannon CS rep blew it, and his superior did nothing to undo that damage.

To quibble about the China angle is nitpicking that only adds to the bad taste we are getting about Cannon and its apologists.

Face it, Cannon, you're on the ropes. Either stand up and defend yourself credibly or throw in the towel.

The Freeholder said...

Sorry to be late in commenting on this, but if it were me, I'd have been far more upset after Mr. Baker's call than before. This call sounds like an excercise in a practice I abhor--"lawyering".

I'm not currently in the market for a(nother) safe, but my Dad is. Guess which brand isn't going to make the short list, Mr. Baker?

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, I have a Cannon and hope it doesn't happen to me. Otherwise the quality is very good. I saw the Chinese ones and got one of the American line, to get better fireproofing. One thing in my favor, I can go to the store where I bought it and have them help me, as opposed to calling Cannon direct.

Hopefully it was just one of those things.

Steve Gibbons said...

So, what ever happened to the 4.6 x 30 (or 5.7 x 28) revolver announcement?

Anonymous said...

Buyer Beware!!
I recently purchased a Cannon/Oxbow safe and the safe had a mechanical malfunction within a few days of having it delivered. This was a 72” tall x 48” wide Oxbow with an electronic key pad. What a piece of crap this safe proved to be. After multiple phone calls with condescending, rude, totally unprofessional , so called technical representatives, they dispatched what could only be described as a grossly under qualified locksmith to try and repair the safe. Although he was successful in getting into the safe, the problem was not corrected, as it malfunctioned a second time within a week, leaving my guns and valuables locked up with no way of getting in. After a second attempt to repair the safe, the same situation occurred, leaving the safe locked up for almost six weeks while my phone calls and voice messages were virtually ignored. My frustration led me to go to the gun store where I had purchased the Oxbow. They contacted Cannon and this led to the same condescending pricks calling me and complaining to me about how much money they had spent in the attempt to repair their safe. I was so flabbergasted to hear this that I did not even dignify it with a response, like how much money I had spent on this piece of crap and what “lifetime warranty against all mechanical defects” really means, not to mention the time and aggravation I had wasted meeting with locksmiths that had no idea how to fix their product. The third attempt to repair the safe (with a different locksmith by my request) was a miserable failure with the locksmith failing to even get the safe open. This guy made the previous locksmith look like a master safe cracker. Several days and several unanswered voice mails later led me to call the safe rep at the gun store to try and get some answers about what they planned to do to get my safe open. Miraculously, he was able to get the technical rep to answer his phone or return his voice message only to be told that they were not going to do anything more to my safe and that they had called me and let me know this. This was a bold face lie, nobody had called me and the safe rep at the gun store knew they hadn’t. What they also said was that the safe had been abused by me (according to the expert opinion of the so called locksmith) and that had violated my warranty, which was also a bold face lie. Thankfully, the owner of the gun store came out to my house to inspect the safe. He surmised that the safe had not been “abused” and that the safe had a mechanical malfunction, as I was already well aware of. The gun store owner was a man of his word and agreed to replace the Oxbow free of charge. However, I told him that I did not want any Cannon products and would never deal with them again and that I would pay the difference for a Ft. Knox safe, and that’s exactly what I did. If the gun store owner wouldn’t have stepped up to the plate for Cannon, I would have been out of $1500 dollars and would have a permanently locked safe full of guns and valuables, on my own. This is a totally unacceptable way of doing business and how they are staying in business, in a recessional economy, is a mystery. I would highly recommend the Ft. Knox line of safes. My Ft. Knox has operated flawlessly since I bought it. Their company and products eclipses Cannon in every respect, quality, security, durability, customer support and most importantly, integrity.


ConsultantX said...

It is still pretty cheesy that Cannon knows their locks are not reliable so they only warrantee them for a year.

What good is a lifetime warrantee on the safe but not on the lock???

I would never buy a Cannon safe, both due to their own lack of faith in their locks and the PITA that can bring when that lock fails, and their piss-poor customer service reps with bad attitudes.

ConsultantX said...

" The gun store owner was a man of his word and agreed to replace the Oxbow free of charge. However, I told him that I did not want any Cannon products and would never deal with them again and that I would pay the difference for a Ft. Knox safe, and that’s exactly what I did. If the gun store owner wouldn’t have stepped up to the plate for Cannon, I would have been out of $1500 dollars and would have a permanently locked safe full of guns and valuables, on my own."

Nate, if it isn't against the rules of this blog, that gun store owners deserves you to mention his name if you think it would be alright.

Anonymous said...

ou're not alone with your Cannon safe problems. After 5 months of use the locking wheel came completley off (cheap construction to say the least). One call to customer service and I was promised a locksmith would be in touch. That was 2 weeks ago!! They refuse to answer the phone. Probably the worst customer service experience I've had with any company. Bottom line, these guys suck hard and are not a trustworthy company to deal with.

Anonymous said...

Wow....I was just ready to buy a cannon safe at Costco. Now I pause and reconsider....probably not. Found this blog on google. Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for the internet and blogs. Until the internet, a company could make a crappy prouct and non of us would ever know about it. Now, with a few key strokes, we can let the rest of the consumers know when someone is pushing junk. I was looking at the Cannon but this blog has made Cannon a 'do not buy' safe.

Anonymous said...

I too am now crossing Cannon off of my manufacturers list for consideration of purchasing a safe. That warranty was supposed to cover everything from what I saw. The fine print or newer warranty may say differently. They use that warranty as a selling point, which too many people buy into. Glad your comments have saved me. Thanks so much! Isn't the internet the greatest??

Anonymous said...

After reading this entire blog, I have decided against the purchase of a Cannon safe.
I will look elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

I worked at Cannon Safe along side Mike & Aaron Baker with the occasional appearance of the original owner Stephen Baker. They will never go out of business and they laugh in the face of anyone who thinks they will, they think word of mouth will never be strong enough to bring down their empire. They poke fun when the economy goes downhill they say and I quote "when the economy goes downhill more people buy safes and our pockets get full".Mike and Aaron are the most arrogant people I have ever met, They purposely have cheap safes designed for sale at Costco and they even said "they are pieces of junk" The safes are made with cheap interior materials, if you have seen one you know, just put some pressure on the shelving, it will bend very easily. I would rather own a Liberty Safe, their BTU system makes no sense but their safes are better and their customer service surely beats out cannon. Their motto is "nothing protects like a cannon" which is true, leaves you locked out with no resolution from cannon.

rex r said...

I have had the fotune of owning 4 cannon safes 2 in my house 1 in my town shop and 1 in my hunting lodge. the one in the shop is open 1 to 5 times a day 7 days a week for 6+ years with only a battery change every 6 to 10 months. No problems with any of the rest of them.I allow the hunters to change the combo on the hunting lodge one with each new group. never a problem. But in my camp I have also had 3 writers for outdoor publications, big pain in the butt. They would whine about anything,the game was not standing in the middle of the road, they were to drunk in the morning to get out of bed so I would not take them hunting, because the are writers they should get a free hunt for all the hunters that will come after their words of whit.So I bite my lip and waited for them to leave some how with 3 elk and 2 deer."Great Shots" I will always have a cannon but never another outdoor writer. rex r

Robert said...

I was just about to buy one from Tractor Supply, I checked Cannon's site and they didn't even list the models at the store. After reading the article I assume thats because they are the China models. Cross Cannon off my list. Thanks everyone for your information. A $1000 is a terrible thing to waste.

Anonymous said...

I wish Mr.Baker would take care of me. I did not ask for a new safe, the offer was made by his Employee Ken in customer service at EXT.403.He told me it would take 6-8 weeks for a new safe, i agreed after being told it can't be fixed by his employee.
All I asked is that cannon repair the safe, but they backed out and would not even send a repair service to fix it because they can't identify the problem.

Now I'm forced to take this issue to court and challenge the warranty they BRAG about.

Brian Kiever said...

My name is Brian Kiever, the above is my post.

Anonymous said...

My name is Mike Baker, I am the VP of Cannon Safe. As the manufacturer I wanted to rebuttal this last post above. below is my email response to Brian. we are in no way denying him or delaying him of any service. after this email we talked more and i have offered to have a safe technician go look at the safe. if the problem does exist we will take full responsibility for it. if however no problem is found then the responsibility will be mr. kiever's.

I am aware of your problem with your 9 year old Cannon Safe, you described to Ken on Monday, as he was discussing it with me and others here at our company. I am also aware of your thread on I want to remind you that Ken did not deny your warranty, we just need to have you call us when the problem is occurring so we can figure out what is happening. You fail to mention that in your blog. Ken did assure you that we would get you a new safe in his brief conversation with you Friday understanding that you had a door that wouldn’t close. When you spoke again Monday he discovered that was not the case. Your safe is working fine. You also failed to mention that your calls were returned but you and Ken were playing phone tag. Brian we are aware of how to diagnose problems and as Ken explained to you, what you have described would sound like to us that something in your safe is keeping you from closing your door. He had you check the clearance around all sides and you said they are all equal. So nothing about the door is binding it up. Typically if a safe has a defect the problem would be every time and not a few times a year as you mentioned to Ken. Again we are happy to warranty our product as we have done with all of our safes for more than 45 years. Our reputation has been built on our warranty. I am sorry you are having a problem and I hope we can get it fixed but just like when you take your car in for service and complain of a noise, when the mechanic cannot duplicate the noise they tell you to bring it in when the noise is being made again. We are asking the same thing. We will be able to help you as we help all of our customers. Oh, and yes, even Michael Bane. You also mentioned that we have many complaints on BBB and I want to point out Cannon Safe has a A+ rating on that site. I am going to post a copy of this email response on adn other blogs you have posted on so all of the members there can see we are a company that stands behind our warranty. We build the best safes in the market we don’t claim to be zero defects as no manufacturer is, however when a problem occurs we do everything we can to handle it. We offer 24/5 day a week tech support. Why would a company offer that to then tell people "no" when they call? Why not just not answer calls? You can visit the “tell me your story” section on our site and see customers who have had excellent service from us. Lastly Brian we are not a company who hides so if you would like to discuss this further you are more than welcome to contact me at the # and extension below.

Anonymous said...

The Cannon president is out of touch. I bought a Cannon safe last Thursday. Day one opened fine, day two opened fine. Tried to get in it Saturday morning and will not open. Finally reached Cannon monday morning and was told to try plus one or minus one on the mechanical dial. Tried it when I got home and no luck. Called tech service and held for an hour and finally left a message. Called the next day from work and the tech told me to call him back when I was in front of my safe when I got home. At 6:00 central 4:00 pacific I called Cannon and keyed in ext 723 as instructed. At 7:35 central after being told 11 times my wait was 2 to 6 minutes a gentlemen answered. I told him I was calling as instructed and he informed me he didnt work for Cannon he worked for Gunvault and he said sometimes if they got busy they forwarded calls to him. He said he was going to transfer me and I ask is he was sure they were still there. He assured me someone would help me. He transferred me and it went directly to the tech departments out of office voice mail.

I spent the next two hours and 54 attempts trying to open the safe was finally successful at plus 3. I got everything out of the safe. Shut it and tried plus 3 again and guess doesn't open. Fortunately Academy has a 30 day return policy so this is going back. I am one of the lucky ones.

stevesmith said...

Nice story..Really like it.. Thanks for sharing..

buy zenegra said...

This will not succeed in reality, that is what I think.

Anonymous said...

This post is in response to "ConsultantX" request for me to divulge the gun store owners name that replaced the piece of junk Cannon safe. It was Bud himself of Buds Gun Shop. An Ex-Marine, man of integrity. Which is more than I can say for the disreputable bunch of jerks at Cannon Safes.
BTW...the Ft. Knox safe is still working like a charm, 3.5 years later.

Unknown said...

I think it is important to get gun safes here in Canada. You don't know who can be lurking around.

Anonymous said...

My keypad quit working I was told they where sending a new one to a lock smith and they would be at my place in 2 to 5 days to fix my safe. On day 5 my wife called to see what the issue was they said they lined up a locksmith then he later told them he cold not make it. My wife ask the customer service person why we not notified and we have things in our safe we need to get out. He said he didn't know anything about this and we would just have to wait. No update as to how long that will be. Not happy at all....

Security Guards said...

Most gun safes are UL rated as "RSC" or "residential security Containers."

Lewis Thomas said...

I own a Cannon Safari safe with electronic keypad. The electronics on the lock inside the safe failed and would not communicate with keypad . I called Robert Nunez at Cannon Safe! Number is Robert Nuñez | Store Support Specialist
P: 800.242.1055 ext. 460 | F:702.910.2495
Mr Nunez was very nice to me! He arranged to have a local locksmith in my area to come and drill my safe to get it open! Cannon installed new keypad and lock on my Cannon Safari safe. Total cost to me was $00.00!

Cannon Safes stood behind their product on my behalf!


Lewis Thomas

loreun jeny said...

We have a tremendous stock of rebate guns in all value goes here at , Shop the best handguns, shotguns, gun safes for sale, and strategic guns from trusted brands all under one rooftop , at incredible deals and deal costs on markdown firearms.

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Hi buddies, it is great written piece entirely defined, continue the good work constantly.

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