Darn! My heart goes out to Bubbles the chimp, former companion to Michael Jackson, who got a really raw deal and ended up in an animal sanctuary. I believe Bubbles knew the inside story of Michael Jackson's pedophile romps and was sent to the slam to keep him from talking. The chimp never got a penny of royalties from the $250,000 porcelain sculptures of Bubbles and Jackson by alleged famous sculpture Jeff Koons. Sadly, Bubbles has never completed work on his memoirs, CHEETAH LIED, in which it was rumored that Bubbles would be revealed as the true author of Jackson's multiplatinum selling album Thriller.
Michael Jackson was a freak, he marketed he's freakness to make his money. We remember him in death as he lived, as a side show to the perverse Hollywood community which he is from. No man could put into words how disgusting Jackson's life and existence was, he was a horrible person that has left this world a worse place for his deeds.
Dead or alive, he will always be mocked. Get over it .
the issue isn't the jackson, its the response to his death...i wouldn't take joy in anyones death yet you do? thats just as sick-get over that.
Good career move. Gotta give him that.
Well count me as one of your former readers. Wow.
Isn't it interesting that the deviant and perverse in this world are given solace and respect in their final moment.
As someone who was sexually abused by a family member over 25 years ago, I can tell you the damage is lasting and takes considerable work to overcome. For those who wish to give Michael Jackson "respect" because he is dead, may I remind you that he showed no respect to those children he molested.
And if you believe that he did not do it because he wasn't convicted in court, then you are one of those who believe that O.J. did not murder Nicole Brown Simpson- a complete cretin.
well he outlived the other "king" who died crazy because he could not handle the success and pressures or demons it brought....I find both their lives to be examples of what can happen to the man who has anything he wants by virtue of his musical talent...
and Anonymous poster #1, grow a pair...and get lost....
Bubbles is confined to a wild animal park because as an adult chimp he has the same propensity to bite off the face, hands, penis, or other body parts of any human who might piss him off...like every other adult chimp raised in captivity....
as for the king of pop, the weirdness ends here..now the unseamly fight for the newly monied children that will make the Anna Nichole baby fight look like a simple neighborhood spat...
Me predicts we will find an overdose of narcotics in the blood...at least he did not expire on the toilet seat (as far as we know today)
Great satire! Thanks for the chuckle. The Ignorant in the world should not get a pass when they pass.
He probably got a look at himself in a mirror! That's what killed the sorry twat waffle!
I suppose the spectacle that we will all be treated to for the next few days will be a "Thriller" for mush minds. Unfortunately he listed to his demons. Music...oh the almighty music, how we worship the purveyors of the music (sorry MB)and how it enriches our world....indeed, I appreciate more the garbage man who makes my life and environs more pleasant or the greeter at Wal Mart with whom I can have a conversation with (well sometimes).
Strange how we as humans tend to worship relaxation, enjoyment, the serious fulfillment and absolute vicarious moment of music and in that excuse the most hideous of crimes and lifestyles; thereby doing we desensitize and gain acceptance to that which should be held in abhorrence.
Thank you to my garbage man, the electrician, the guy who makes the gasoline, pumps the oil, creates the electricity, builds the roads...
Political correctness runs rampunt. I would rather read the writings of someone who pulls no punches. MJ sang and wrote good the first half of his life. The second half he abused the gifts that God gave him. He deserved all the karma that can be thrown. The man was not right, he became a monster. He does not deserve adoration. At least now there is no further opportunity for him to hurt others.
Yeah, I got a problem with this whole 'don't trash the dead' thing. I can't stand Michael Jackson and while I won't make too many overt jokes right now, I sure as hell will laugh at them. And as for it being cruel to trash somebody when they dies, you let me know how that works for you when you learn Osama bin Laden is dead. You go right ahead and pull your punches and tell others to do the same.
He is faking it anyway. On the third day, you'll realize it was all a publicity stunt.
As we go through our lives, each of us has the potential to EARN either respect or ridicule...and those things we earn go with us not only in life, but to our graves.
As a former rock critic, I have seen far too much talent sacrificed to "the life."
I don't get it. The man ruined innocent lives, but now he will live on forever lovingly in the minds of the adoring fans. For the next month, every time you turn on a radio, you will hear an MJ song. Maybe the powers to be will even name an airport after him. The bottom line is that dead men sell records, so I am sure that the record industry bean counters are wringing their hands gleefully.Look at some of the general publics comments here in Florida:
May he & PEPSI rot together
One less pedo in the world. I feel sorry for his children. Burn baby burn
The happiest man in America yesterday was Mark Sanford. I wouldn't be surprised if he orders SC radio stations to play Michael Jackson songs all day today. Thanks to MJ, Sanford is old news.
Pervert bites the dust. Big deal.
Those that think he should be given decency in death forget that he never had it in life.
My only regret is that he wasn't beaten to death by one of his victims families who wouldn't accept a payoff.
Jackson's passing is an even better thing for the Waxman-Markey "Cap and Trade" TAX that was pushed through the House today, without anyone reading it, or any other media objectively covering it. Even Fox News started slobberin' over the sad news about Michael at 5:55 P. M., when they cut off Beck. Fox's Bret Baier was to follow at 6:00 P. M., with a complete expose' on the bill and how it will kill the economy, but he was also pre-empted with the media circus that followed.
Just watch for the same tactics when they come for our guns! They'll push something through on Friday afternoon, under camo'. They've already been working at it that way, but we've been catchin' 'em.
See y'all at the July 4th Tea Parties.
Life Member
I'm sorry..its funny as hell..The news media used his death to hide the fact that cap and trade was being snuck by us. we are focused on bread and circuses and these goobers are passing the worst legislation in history.
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