Friday, June 24, 2011

A Functional Definition of "Racism"

"Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially 
a nation of cowards"

-- U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
February 18, 2009

CBS is reporting another death directly attributed to "Fast & Furious" guns, this one the brother of a Mexican state Attorney General, who was tortured and killed by cartel terrorists.

The majority view of ATF's "Fast & Furious" is now that it was a purely political operation, part of President Barack Obama's "under the radar" gun control effort. As I have said from the beginning of this fiasco, "Fast & Furious" makes no sense any other way. It was not a law enforcement operation, as made clear in testimony before Congress, because the ostensible law enforcement goals, "rolling up" the entire cartel gun smuggling operation or getting warrants against the mass murderers who head the Mexican cartels, was nonsensical even to the brave agents who have stepped forward to testify.

Those hero agents who stepped forward told their bosses the same thing they told Congress -- that people were going to die as a direct result of "Fast & Furious."

Apparently, the brass at the ATF and their handlers at the Department of Justice, including Attorney General Eric Holder, were okay with that, as long as it was Mexican nationals doing the dying. Let's be clear about this...all the people involved in "Fast & Furious" knew people were going to die. Their own experienced agents told them so. The cartels have routinely slaughtered family members of people opposed to them, and the concept of "innocent bystander" simply doesn't exist in the free-fire zone south of the U.S. border. Providing the cartel with a new, easy source of guns was guaranteed to have lethal results.

But wouldn't that just play into the meme? ATF leaders were happy, even described as "giddy," when "Fast & Furious" guns began turning up at Mexican crime scenes.

Can you imagine any circumstances, any mindset, that would allow ATF brass and its handlers to not think the guns they were flooding into Mexico would result in the killing of civilians? Any mindset at all?

So what is "racism?" What is this thing that we as Americans, in Attorney General Holder's words, are too cowardly to face? How about the Wiki definition:

Racism is the belief that there are inherent differences in people's traits and capacities that are entirely due to their race, however defined, and that, as a consequence, justify the different treatment of those people, both socially and legally.

The key words here, for me, are, "...justify the different treatment of those people, both socially and legally." Sure, the cartels are killers, but — nudge nudge wink wink say no more — Americans aren't going to get killed. Mexicans are going to get killed, and, well, they're Mexicans, right? They can't vote in American elections; they're a long way away and, hey, we won't even have to look at the bodies!

Ladies and gentlemen, if that isn't the essence of racism, tell me what is.

Their lives counted for less than a political point; counted for so little that dead Mexicans weren't even a minor consideration.

Some commentators say this upcoming Presidential election will be won by the Hispanic vote, and the party in power is reaching out to those voters who have their origins in Mexico and Central and South America with a powerful cry of, "Here's what we have done for you!" Here is what they really did — they armed your blood enemies and by doing so sanctioned the killing of your brothers, your sisters, your uncles, your aunts. Remember.

"Swollen men, blind with power
Break the rules, one by one
With their lies raising the danger
Of their games under the gun."

—Kris Kristofferson
"Under the Gun"


Overload in Colorado said...

While I don't think it'll happen, I want to find out HOW this happened. I mean, Mexican Drug Lords aren't stupid. They know that there's a background check. They know they're paying more money for semi auto guns. So, why did they do it? How'd they know they would get away with these unusual purchases?

Steve said...

Another key in the overall plan from chicago Land where they can't control gangs

Anonymous said...

Some what off topic, but something I wonder about every time "racism" is discussed,
"Racism is the belief that there are inherent differences in people's traits and capacities that are entirely due to their race,"

Is "Sickle cell anemia" racist ?
Tom Bogan

kmitch200 said...

because the ostensible law enforcement goals, "rolling up" the entire cartel gun smuggling operation or getting warrants against the mass murderers who head the Mexican cartels, was nonsensical

Reminds me of an old post of yours about "Who will bell the Kitty?"
Sounds like a great idea, but who would SERVE such a warrant? As if they could, why not just serve one for the multiple murders of cops, mayors, judges, etc., etc.

Gun hating idiots in action. The fact that nobody has fallen on their sword to protect Holder or Big Sis is indicative of how insulated they think they are.
It happened on their watch and they couldn't care less.

Rob Drummond said...

I have never taken anything Holder said seriously I mean come on what a statement! Cowards! the people of the US cowards! Give me a break!

But he's only one in a mass of leftist in this administration inlculding the Supreme Lord & Dictator himself BO. Funny how his Obama's initials are BO since everything his adminstration has done stinks.

Mark my words there is more going on here than we know or might ever know. Great review Michael of a very important, under reported issue.
Rob Drummond
Hillsboro, NH

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