Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Slow Night in Omaha...

...heading to Cylinder & Slide tomorrow, then home. Am documenting Bill Laughridge's "recreation" of the 1911...he is one stubborn cuss, to be sure!

Am finally back under way with THE NEW SURVIVAL GUNS, plus I'm working on the outline for the concealed carry DVD, which I'll be filming with Panteao Productions in March. I'm talking with Marshal Halloway about expanding our DRTV video coverage of .22s for this year. One thing I think we'll definitely be doing is a sort of "Ruger Rimfire 101" later this spring, with Tim Norris. I've invited Tim out to Colorado to do a 2-day RRC class, so if you live here in the High Country, email me for the details. We will have a few open slots.

My .22 M1 Carbine is under way! I think I did a pretty good job on explaning the rise of .22s on today's podcast. Lemme know what you think!

Am a little worried about the upcoming cowboy nationals, Winter Range, in Phoenix next month. The weather has pretty much demolished most of the weekend cowboy shoots, and my Sweetie and I haven't gotten in nearly the match time we did last year. Am hoping dry-firing carries me home.

Alf the Wonder Beagle is recovering well from her surgeries...she had some bumps removed and looks sort of like a Franken-beagle with all the stitches. Luckily, she's healthy as a couldn't tell that she was carved up yesterday. 

Next week I'll be putting in a couple of ATF forms for building SBRs, a Ruger Charger for one and a .300 AAC Blackout AR for another. I've always wanted a little bitty 10/22, and with the right paperwork I can build out the Charger. I'll also be puting together my iron-sight RRC gun next week, going with a Green Mountain barrel with a set of Fire Sights replacing the heavy Ruger target barrel  in my Target 10/22. I gotta make a hard decision whether to go limited or open...if I do go with the red dot, it'll be a Tac-Sol X-Ring with one of the new 2 MOA Aimpoints on it. Still considering changing handguns...maybe I could talk my Sweetie into loaning me her 1911 Kimber with the Tac-Sol conversion unit on it. LOL!

Take a few minutes to look at the Cabot 1911s...Joe Mantegna and I were absolutely blown away by those pistols...the 1911 as artwork. If I had one, I couldn't bring myself to ding it up shooting (probably why I'll never have one). That said, I got an email yesterday asking me if money was no object, what 1911 would I buy tomorrow...maybe I'm boring, but I said it would be a top-of-the-line Wilson Combat Classic Supergrade, maybe in .38 Super. Or one of Laughridge's perfect Retro-1911s. 

See? Plastic guns just can't generate that kind of longing!

Of course, I carry a plastic pistol...the contradictions continue to mount!


Anonymous said...

Slow night in Omaha? You must have missed Ladies Night at the Shark Club.

Wallaby Jack said...

.... nice work on the .22s.

(I wish we could have some of them here in Australia .... no semi-auto rifles allowed to us mere mortals ... :( )

AllenF said...

Could've caught Craig Ferguson at the Orpheum last night. Heard he was good.

After passing the Blue Man Group theater 100,00 times (estimated) at SHOT last week, I ended up seeing them in Omaha on Sunday.

Enjoy Fremont! Make sure Bill takes you over to Js. Best food option in town and right across the street.

DamDoc said...

new survival guns?.. how about a remade old survival gun?.. i LOVE this M1A Scout Squad I gave myself for Xmas...

"gunner" said...

the cabot guns are nice i suppose, but i'll stick with my old workhorse g.i. m1911a1, i know every part in it, all carefully chosen by me, to suit my wishes. it hasn't been with me as long as my wife, but close to it, and i stick to the tried and true in both.

ExurbanKevin said...

2 things...

1) Halfway into the podcast on .22's, I was thinking to myself, "Ah-HA! Stg44's, M1 Carbines, FN SCAR's, all in .22lr! It's the gamers who are buying these! I'll bet Michael doesn't mention THEM!"

And then you do. :)

2) It was so great to meet you at SHOT!

Overload in Colorado said...
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Overload in Colorado said...

Hard to get ahold of you to RSVP for a Colorado training meet. Where might I find an email?

Best Handguns said...

Good to hear news from the Cornhusker state! Your comments on the 10/22 have me thinking about getting one of these in the near future. I've seen them mentioned on several blog sites recently and remembering how easy to shoot and accurate my fathers 10/22 was, seems like a no-brainer. Not to mention the relatively cheap price of these guns and the extensive modifications available.

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This certainty is beautiful, even w81nx81 more beautiful than uncertainty.
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