Thursday, March 17, 2011


I just finished a 30 minute blogpost that disappeared when I brushed the "New Post" button, located in EXACTLY the wrong place on an iPad...


- Posted using BlogPress, a Truly Crappy App


Gunmart said...

Did you try the "back" button?

Oh well, when all else fails, just hit "ALT+F4"


nj_larry said...

As I always told customers..."that's not a bug, that's a feature ! "

This whole electronic thing won't last anyway. We'll be back to paper and pencil after the nuclear cloud reaches us this weekend.

Uno Mas said...

Surely, Steve Jobs would nevaaah let that happen!

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure Bill Gates would mandate it.

Mein Gott! When did I become a Luddite?

nj_larry said...

Good to see you fired up the neurons a second time to post your blog or blog your post, or whatever it's called....ok no jokey on this, I'll be serious :)

Just a possible work behavior to apply in the future. I've taught my children, customers, colleagues and geeze..MY SPOUSE, to do this...

Everyone knows that "loosing stuff" hurts. Adhering to Larry's 1st law of computing, all things must occupy one location more than the final location(s). So when putting some prose together, I use the simplest and most robust application your comfortable with, that allows spellcheck and obeys "copy and paste". Variously I employ MS Word, or even email applications. Some of these apps are pretty bulletproof. Type it out in the "simple" app, spellcheck it, then COPY to the final location.

If it disappears in the interim it requires just a minor effort to copy and paste again. When all done, just cancel the email, doc or whatever. Makes for a better impression also when say filling out website data for jobs, posting rants against newspaper editorials on gun control, etc. Just an FYI....

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