Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Inside the "Kansas Triangle"

Okay, I thought the "The Triangle," the Bermuda Triangle miniseries Episode 1 on the Sci-Fi Channel was okay, although if you're going to have Catherine Bell take off her clothes for no particular reason, I believe you're morally obligated to show a little more skin than the producers apparently thought appropriate. No need to thank me...it'sz the least I can do.

The Polar Express is rolling in this afternoon...maybe 10-below tonight. Or, as we say here in Nederland, "there'll be a nip in the air." Not counting Catherine Bell, of course. At least the godawful winds have abated a bit. I'd like to put in a plug for my Marmot expedition-wear down jacket. I paid a fortune for it years and years ago, and after 3 Idita-Sports, one trip up Mt. McKinley and 10 Colorado winters, it has been worth every freakin' penny. The jacket — not me, unfortunately — has even been to Everest on the last American expedition...a friend of mine borrowed it. I was wearing this jacket out on the trail in Alaska — alone, I might add — when I looked at the thermometer and saw the temp was 42-below-zero, not to mention a bunch of 20-below days on Denali.

Of course, with it on I look like the Stay-Puff Marshmellow Man....but a rugged, ripped kind of Marshmellow Man!


Anonymous said...

I think the appropriate term is, "YOWZA!".

Michael Bane said...


Anonymous said...

And who said the Scientologists were whacko?

Anonymous said...

thank you Mr Bane (with tear in eye) ;-)

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