Actually, after all my whining on wanting a trick FAL, about a month ago I found we desperately needed a PO-FAL (Plain Old FAL) for some video work. I contacted DS Arms and had them quickly ship us a standard flavor FAL.
I had every intent to send it right back and hold out for one of the DS signature guns, but the more I handle the standard FAL the more I like it. Retro is cool...
Just appeared I see. Good deal, can't wait to see it on the show.
The slim, sleek FAL is a wonderful thing. Spend time on the range with it, and you will love it more....
Will Fennell
Some of them they have are pretty sexy if you ask me. I have had a plain one for some years and put a lot of rounds through it. I have even hunted (and taken) Mulies and Elk with it. I don't keep mine the the bathroom though.. :) That is a job for an SBR..
Hi Michael...just received a DSA STG58 Austrian Carbine for Christmas...installed the new dustcover and 1.5x5 scope yesterday...hope to take it to the range today. Enjoy yours!
For me its love at first sight, but everyone has preferences.
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