Today Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced new security rules for air travelers, guaranteed to reassure American passengers...more as it develops...
Author and host of the hit OUTDOOR CHANNEL show SHOOTING GALLERY spouts off...
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You are not allowed to know how you voted, if you voted or if voting took place under the provisions of the Patriot Act.
Don't ask, don't tell, don't know....
I'm sure we'll take this opportunity to further regulate the airlines out of existence ....then we can have Obamair!
The ultimate goal of Homeland Security and Janet Incompetano is to convert air travel for the general public into what we provide our beloved brothers who reside at Gitmo. Their air travel comes complete with narcotic shots to tranquilize them, hoods, diapers and chains. Only then will the American public be seen as having arrived at total Federalista safety nirvana. No longer posing any threat to our beloved Muslim brothers who are seeking their freedom in the air.
Oh, when are we going to cut to the chase and force everyone to just fly naked!
I personally dont care if an 82 year old granny gets on my flight with a bottle of shampoo, scissors, a switchblade or even a battle axe, but I do care if a member of the Bin laden family gets on with a box cutter.
I really dont understand how in the world this could have happened, however. Obama promised to close Gitmo..... he went over there and gave a flowery speech... he has appeased everyone in the Islamic community. Why are they still mad at us??? Why has the Obama "Its all our fault" foreign policy not worked? Why? are they still attacking us? Why do we still even need airport security? Why do we still need a Department of Homeland Security?
Enjoy this link:
***DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano said that the thwarting of the attempt to blow up the Amsterdam-Detroit flight this week demonstrated that “the system worked.”***
One last thing to think about: Every time a TSA agent pulls Joe Six Pack out of line for further screening because "he looked suspicious" it is a failure of our security procedures, equipment, and personnel. Its not just a failure when a plane blows up.... its also a failure when they waist their time screening people that are in no way shape or form trying to do harm.
Well they must have done something. I flew to site yesterday, and yup, this WASP was patted down which has not happened since the last time they had the security step up (I fly almost as much as MB). I also noted that it was only being done to males, and they fit the WASP profile. Hmm... racial profiling??
One of these days I will run into MB at DIA.. I keep looking. :)
Don't blame me.........I voted for the American.
When when we learn that islamic extremists are the enemy and not baby formula, bottled water, shampoo, and pocket knives.
The System worked because the detonator didn't?!?!?
What the bloody hell???
I'm sure a few steps down the road the govt will HAVE to nationalize the airline industry, because it's going out of business (no one wants to fly with all these restrictions), and for security (for your safety).
When is the NRA going to start its own airline like Hooters did? They could modify the Patrick Henry quote for their advertising: "let every passenger be armed."
You may be surprised to know that Janet "the troll" Neopolitano, who safeguards our country from those whose name can not be mentioned (terrorists, not said least we hurt some ones feelings) thought that with regard to the Christmas Miricle that the system worked as it should have before she then had to backtrack and said the system failed miserably.... Gosh, you cant make this stuff up, can you? This ruling class we are stuck with is truly a nightmare for our country. Any surprise that one of the Whitehouse Christmas ornaments adorned a picture of Mao? (seriously!)
Some good has come out of this--they aren't telling people to go along with the terrorists anymore. Fight back!
Who's tellting who to fight back? Fight back with what? Your bare hands? Our country and government doesn't even fight-back anymore! We just appologize and blame the prior administration.
Michael, maybe there's some value in having a show built around the theme of just what can airline passengers do to protect themselves. What can you grab? What can you jab? How can a group mobilize? How can a high-heeled shoe be used to immobilize a guy with box cutter? Etc.
Life Member
Life Member, an indispensable item for air travel I have been flying with for years (and never questioned by TSA) is my "tactical pen". Essentially these are little gems of anodized aluminum or titanium that can be used for striking, along with other techniques. They can be a little pricey but they last forever. Well worth the investment. Go out to youtube and look up tactical pens just to see how you might use them defensively.
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