Thursday, August 06, 2009

Personal Day..., so expect light blogging.

Was heartened this AM from an Showbiz Tonight hit piece on the Obama Joker poster...surprise, they didn't get it, but should people be allowed to make fun of El Supremo? Well, it's a little early to start hanging Tea Party participants from light poles, a la Mussolini's Italy, but don't worry — it's probably on the short list agenda for his second term!

Got to the range yesterday to put some rounds through the new Ruger SASS Vaqueros. Overall was very impressed. The triggers were around 5 pounds and crisp; the Montado hammers were perfect for cowboy action shooting, and the Long Hunter-suggested wider rear sight are just excellent...the cherubs and seraphim tell me that the .140 rear sights will likely become standard on all Vaqueros, which is good since it's one of the first mods people do to their out-of-the-box guns.

I mostly did one-shot draws on the Salute Targets paddle wheel target...this is an excellent training tool and will make you work. At 16 pounds it's also easy to set up and easy to store, which is a rarity with steel targets. You've got to really hammer the paddle wheel with those light cowboy .38 Special loads to spin it!


Anonymous said...

I got to experience a similar target from Safe Direction that Farnam uses in his classes.

I believe my comment was "That was, at the same time, the most fun and most evil thing I've ever shot."

Needless to say, the poor sould who brought the 9mm was hating life that morning.

Geoff aka Pathfinder said...

FTB: "Well, it's a little early to start hanging Tea Party participants from light poles, a la Mussolini's Italy, but don't worry — it's probably on the short list agenda for his second term!"

Don't you mean "hanging Tea Party [b]critics[/b] from light poles, a la [b]Italy's Mussolini[/b]?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Joe Merchant24.

I use to call John's rotator:
The Wheel of Despair


Bradley said...

$1400 for two Rugers, WTF over, when did they start going for $700 each? did i not see the HK stamp on it somewhere? They damn well better be self cleaning for that much cash.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon at 11:34 AM
Don't you mean
"Rope around Rosie,
Don't cut her down"
( Granted it would take A LOT of rope to get around that cows neck)
Tom B.