Monday, January 28, 2008

How to Get Found

There's a cool GPS locator for people skating along the edge of the world now available, and at a reasonable price.

The little gadget is called SPOT, which can track your movements through a constant link to the sats. It's not a telephone. Rather it's got three buttons — OK, HELP and 911.

When you push OK, your family (or whomever you designate) is notified that you're okay; hit HELP, and your designees are nitified that you might need a pick-up; 911 alerts rescuers and gives them your GPS coordinates. The box is $170, with $99 for a year's subscription to the service. I've spent a lot of time way off the grid, and a bix like SPOT would have offered a certain peace of mind. I especially like the fact that the 911 button can send the GPS coordinates...rescuers are very special people...they're putting their lives on the line for you, Anything that makes their jobs easier and safer is, by definition, a good thing. The new product has already resulted in five "saves."

Interestingly enough, the company is headed by an old friend of mine, Dave Biggs, whom I worked with at the world-class consulting firm R.D. Garwood. I also worked with Dave on his book on designing new products in a world-class environment. Obviously, Dave know what he writes about!


Anonymous said...

No offense to your friend Dave, but there's only three buttons where there really needs to be four.





Anonymous said...

Maybe we could raise a few bucks and send one to Thompson?

Anonymous said...

But what if I don't want to be found? how about a "Hiding" key that only sends "Don't come looking" without the Lat/Long. Although the BEER key is a good idea too.

Anonymous said...

I love that rescue is becoming more High-Tech, but the other side of that coin is some think thier "toys" relieve them of entering the wilderness without training or common-sense.
I'm a 20+ year SAR volunteer and have seen WAY TOO MANY people who take off for an afternoon in the mountains wearing a cotton T-shirt and sandles: NO supplies, NO map or compass and expect others to keep them alive.

I've spent $1,000's for my own gear and countless hours training, without recompense and rarely even get a "Thank You" from those we've found or rescued.
People need to: Tell someone where you're going and when you'll be back. Learn how to read a Topo map and use a real compass. Take the TEN essentials ~ ; - )

Anonymous said...

What are the TEN essentials?

Anonymous said...

You should contact a loacl "Mountaineers" club, and take a quick gander here: